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  1. honky tonk

    So...What did you do at uni today?

    Highlight of the day had to be when one of my friends got "murdered" in the union. She drew quite a bit of attention as she climbed across the table in the cafeteria and ran frantically towards the library. :D
  2. honky tonk

    Combined Degree??

    After having a quick look at the Undergraduate's Handbook I'd say it's not possible, but I could be very wrong.
  3. honky tonk

    The Faculty of Business and Law has a 45% drop out rate!

    I tried the "no readings" approach for first semester, and well... let's just say I still have no idea what the Constitution is. :p
  4. honky tonk

    uni questions...>?

    Ditto. If there's the option, do the bridging course. Can't stress it enough.
  5. honky tonk

    The Faculty of Business and Law has a 45% drop out rate!

    Well I can understand why people drop out of law.. it's completely different to what I expected and I know people who think the same way. Plus, it's kinda hard and tedious..
  6. honky tonk

    semester 2

    Biology labs are tolerable, it's about 60% work, 40% social. Chemistry labs on the other hand.. :mad:
  7. honky tonk

    semester 2

    It's definitely good to see friends again and get back into the normal routine of "lecture, cafeteria, lecture, cafeteria, cafeteria, cafeteria, lecture, home." Lectures are good so far, with Biology being the current favourite.. although I've decided the week is just so much better without labs.
  8. honky tonk

    The 9 Preferences

    It certainly doesn't matter when you finalise your preferences. I was swapping and changing mine for weeks before the deadline, it makes no difference. It's like an assignment due at 2pm.. it doesn't matter whether you hand it in a week earlier or at 1:59pm on the due date, it will still be...
  9. honky tonk

    marks released @ 2pm

    77 Biology 75 Chemistry 50 Criminal Law :uhhuh:
  10. honky tonk

    marks released @ 2pm

    :eek: So you got out of HIV and Cell Signalling?? You lucky, lucky people.
  11. honky tonk

    what gets you motivated?

    My nan got me motivated. She told me that at her age, you don't just look back and remember the good times, you look back and wonder what could have been. That was enough for me. I didn't want to look back and wonder what life would have been like had I actually done some hard work.
  12. honky tonk

    marks released @ 2pm

    So just out of curiousity, which parts of our exam differed? From what I remember, we had the 15 M/C of photosynthesis, labelling of animal/bacterial cell, short answers on natural selection, cells and the like, the chi-square questions, HIV-1 and HIV-2 questions, p53 question, mitosis...
  13. honky tonk

    marks released @ 2pm

    Shit... sorry to hear about that, evilc.. I hope you're feeling better, and I hope those bastards get the $15 stolen off them. :p To sum it up: Aitken's rules, mitosis rules, gram-staining rules, monkeys suck, photosynthesis sucks and Eileen is sexy. I'm hoping for a pass.
  14. honky tonk

    marks released @ 2pm

    I'm prepared for the worst. Normally I think I've failed every exam, this time I only think I've failed one. That's progress!
  15. honky tonk

    I forgot about tutorial registrations!

    :mad: I don't think I'll ever know the joy of having a day off.. :(
  16. honky tonk


    Those buggars! Ahh well it looks like I'll have Gary. Does he explain things well? His photosynthesis lectures last semester were nicely done, I think.
  17. honky tonk

    Favourite Movies.

    Recent: 1. Donnie Darko 2. The Usual Suspects 3. Pulp Fiction 4. Mulholland Dr. 5. Memento Not so recent: 1. North By Northwest 2. Shadow Of A Doubt 3. Psycho 4. Rear Window 5. The Elephant Man P.S. Excellent taste, FooBoy.
  18. honky tonk


    What day/time does Gary take? Considering they've eliminated the Wednesday timeslot (not happy!) it looks like I'm forced to take the Monday afternoon lab. :mad:
  19. honky tonk

    Spiderman 2

    I think a lot of people didn't like it because they didn't see it as an adaptation of a comic book and so thought it was cheesey and overdramatic. I thought it was great. :D
  20. honky tonk


    I see the stories about Gary really do spread across the year, I thought my friends were just exaggerating.. :D