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  1. obimoshman1234

    The Greek Wolrd 500-450 BC assessment 2008

    no no i mean that there has always been a choice between league and war
  2. obimoshman1234

    My Creative Writing story

    uuuhhh i dont think anyone will be stupid enough to copy someone else work who has posted up without some changes to make sure stuff like doesnt happen
  3. obimoshman1234

    What do you do the day before an exam?

    cram cram and more craming irregardless of other study i have done.
  4. obimoshman1234

    The Greek Wolrd 500-450 BC assessment 2008

    not do delain league as i know i should bu so far they havent cut option between war or the league so i know it but i focus mainly on the war because i know everything in that of top of my head
  5. obimoshman1234

    The Greek Wolrd 500-450 BC assessment 2008

    lol not doing delian league so only know of and want to know of one thucydides
  6. obimoshman1234

    fish multiple choice Q

    yeap enough said
  7. obimoshman1234

    The Greek Wolrd 500-450 BC assessment 2008

    how do u know that ????? i mean what period of time did he do this????
  8. obimoshman1234

    Alleles and genes

    yeap alextone got it its that simple it goes a gene will code for a certain charateristic eg height an allele is the various types of genes coding for height so u can get short tall or medium and many more different alleles however they are all covered as part of the gene coding for height
  9. obimoshman1234

    The legals ripoff of the businesses game thing

    gah nooooooo my game thing almost died because u monsters went off topic so no one else posted and i wont let that happen so here is ur answer on jurisdictions: appeallate geographical original (is there a word for the varying levels of jurisdictions courts have for civil and criminal...
  10. obimoshman1234

    My Creative Writing story

    see may cat perfect example it is irregardless of size more dependant on language skill and ability to convey the journey
  11. obimoshman1234

    The Greek Wolrd 500-450 BC assessment 2008

    other pausanius?????????????????????????????????:(
  12. obimoshman1234

    My Creative Writing story

    lenght is irregardless essentially when it comes to creatve writing piece. All u need to do is display proper narrative and a journey which is clearly designed and this is all done with use of proper language dependant on story it does not matter. However length average of prepared ones is about...
  13. obimoshman1234

    Who else has butterflies and feel like they want to throw up?

    lol i dont know why but i was more stressed and feeling to puke for the damn trials than i am this and i mean massive more
  14. obimoshman1234

    spare time~~

    lol i try not to give myself spare time cause i will be like say give myself 10 minutes. Then times up i will be like ohhh another 20 wont hurt and pretty much keeps going like that but i tend to try and stay in study area prob just hop on the net for awhile that way i eventually feel...
  15. obimoshman1234

    COSI- Lewis and who he influences (ASAP)

    essentially only he makes the transition through a full inner journey. however if you want to say others did they would have to be Ruth overcoming her inability to grasp reality and illusions together and her need for strict guidance. Henry breaking down his silence. but like i said these...
  16. obimoshman1234

    What would be the best End-Of-HSC anthem?

    i still say BITTER SWEET SYMPHONY would be the best or nice to know you by incubus or feeling good muse
  17. obimoshman1234

    Who here is as screwed as me and.. wait for it..

    its called cliff notes its how my brother managed to without reading his texts top his grade in advanced english
  18. obimoshman1234

    Study music - Post bands (or artists)

    Iced earth Disturbed Foo Fighters Incubus Block Party Chemical Brothers ALot of electro mixes by names i cant remember lol Linkin Park just the old stuff queens of the stone age Rage against the machine arch enemy and it keeps going similar to that lol
  19. obimoshman1234

    Legal essays- key terms

    well actually in ur essays i think u might not get full marks because with media and reports they are generally things which have been recently doen thus showing u r keeping up to date. and i have been looking over heaps of past paper answers and have yet to find ones which dont refer to media...
  20. obimoshman1234

    Anyone Over It?

    lucid seriously take the proper time and think about it. is there any other way anyone could possibly be happy or syked for the hsc unless they are high???