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  1. obimoshman1234

    My Creative Writing story

    mabye if u said that was the journey earlier it would have saved time but now u have changed ur point anyway lol cause u said it was an inner journey, the friend dealing with his perspective, on her on her life. which makes no sense anyway but i understand it now also i never said there wasnt a...
  2. obimoshman1234

    Omg! Legal Revision.....

    no i aint sure if there allowed to but i guess that gives them heaps of variability for what they want to do for essays but how sure r u that they did 4 i dont think it would be possible to cover 4 whole optionals without either scimming through alot
  3. obimoshman1234

    important question about provisions

    not sure u can get because one time period only effects last week of school two i think i has to be an more extensive time period then that three probably better to ask person who handles ur hsc knowledge at ur school or actually contact the board
  4. obimoshman1234

    My Creative Writing story

    its ok anyway still waiting on my answer to where the hell the inner journey of the first u think its homo but then really its a girl story and dont u dare post up absolute cause u obviously have no idea. i really want to know what it is and well absolute just isnt helping
  5. obimoshman1234

    What would be the best End-Of-HSC anthem?

    no way it would have to be bitter sweet symphony that song its the one or if not mabye butterflys and hurricanes by muse buts that more start hsc thing or IN your Honour foo fighters or A kiss to send us off by incubus? or well thats all i can think of now
  6. obimoshman1234

    How many ORTS do we at least need to have for modules A,B,C

    housaholic module a is experience through texts eg dialogue, image etc lol
  7. obimoshman1234

    My Creative Writing story

    well firstly cxlxoxxk how many words u write per page sorta thing comes into it and generally looking from the post about lenght they about 800-1000 words. BUt dont worry it doesnt have to be its all about how well u convey narrative and ur journey so u could write less but it could be far...
  8. obimoshman1234

    Omg! Legal Revision.....

    lol i am luckier than u so what off it i dont like to brag that i dont have to have 3 exams in same week as english paper two that would just be wrong also i know i am going to get abuse for this but going to say it anyway general maths is not a subject lol by looking at what their doing but...
  9. obimoshman1234

    Omg! Legal Revision.....

    hey i never said i had it worse than u just may cat LOL what three exams u got????
  10. obimoshman1234

    how many of you had jobs during the hsc

  11. obimoshman1234

    My Creative Writing story

    well ok then define the inner journey experienced because i dont see anything that is learnt by either of them???? cant be inner journey without some form of change and i dont see any and dont say its the guy he hasnt he just left and the girl didnt change just constant grief and after first...
  12. obimoshman1234

    work load???

    why did u uote me and why revive this thread the guy hasnt posted in here in about a month gah
  13. obimoshman1234

    The Greek Wolrd 500-450 BC assessment 2008

    my god dude check when i posted this up it was something like almost a year ago but btw i did great on it with themistocles and pausanius to mix it up sure i gto 25/25 for it
  14. obimoshman1234

    Omg! Legal Revision.....

    lol may u got it easy i have to rely on 3 days before legal to revision but same time i gots to do bio revison zzzzzz time split in half so i need to have some of it done now
  15. obimoshman1234

    Need Advice

    one hoping means nothing put ranks secondly i think u should do it i mean gives u extra edge even tho u might not have needed uai lets them see u put initiative in to show u are actually intellegent
  16. obimoshman1234

    My Creative Writing story

    ok so if its an inner journey wheres the result???? all i see is unresolve because they friends doesnt learn anything i mean he leaves to go on an inner journey and the girl is left with grief loss of friend hasnt found a way of dealing with her confusion so plz outline the entire journey...
  17. obimoshman1234

    how many of you had jobs during the hsc

    yeah had one sinc ehalf way through year 11 about 10-15 hours a week but i am on unavailability as of start of holidays till last exam so i will still have for after hsc :cool:
  18. obimoshman1234

    08 HSC Students - Are you 18 yet or not?

    u mean DAMN I SHOULD HAVE PUT ONE IN????? and yea i am 18
  19. obimoshman1234

    Nuclear Physics HELP!

    lame get out of hsc forums then LOL jokez
  20. obimoshman1234

    Physics + engineering + 4 unit maths

    i dont do all but i mean what are ur other subjects???? because u need to factor those in as well