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  1. obimoshman1234

    NON pdf past papers?

    if that doesnt work let us know what subjects i can see what i can do to help out only fair
  2. obimoshman1234

    The legals ripoff of the businesses game thing

    firstly its ineffective mainly because its all on consensus so if a country doesnt want to sign or agree with it then UN cant do anything. secondly this is suppose to be for more non essay things so pretty much crime and law and society topic probably should have said that at start seeing...
  3. obimoshman1234

    Nitrogenous Base question

    lol its all i can say cause i thought u were going to ask something hard
  4. obimoshman1234

    The Meissner Effect

    well lucid post up ur answer then so we can all learn from it????????????
  5. obimoshman1234

    Only one making NOtes STILL?

    seriously i dont know how people are still making notes now. That time is over if u dont have them then its time u outsourced and find some premade notes on resources here, from excel or other revison books, hsc online. Then u just have to read and re read for awhile then get onto the past...
  6. obimoshman1234

    The legals ripoff of the businesses game thing

    uummm a bit late there buddy u missed may-cat uestion but w/e here is ur answer Situational crime prevention is the removing of situations where a criminal offence could occur. EG parents stopping their children from going to a party where people may do drugs here is may cats...
  7. obimoshman1234

    UAI prediction plase ><!

    SLIM POST THAT IN the proper forum cause it dont belong here
  8. obimoshman1234

    uai advice/question

    according to my uac guide 09 mac uni doesnt have just straight bach law besides by distance education otherwise it all combined degrees all averaging between 95-98.45 so i dont know whats going on lol
  9. obimoshman1234

    Workplace Essay

    ty and dont may-cat i am respectful i only look at others essays to get general ideas never to i copy more than say a structure of a paragraph or order of ideas never what is actually written lol ok just guessing here but u have emailed this essay to ur teacher no and thats who put the stuff...
  10. obimoshman1234

    How do YOU feel..

    anxious wanting these exams over with stressed that i am not doing enough frightened of possibility i dont get the marks i want happy its almost over
  11. obimoshman1234

    2008 HSC Timetable

    oh wow u have two exams in two days gah i have two in one day bio and legal two massive subjects stop ur wingeing
  12. obimoshman1234

    The legals ripoff of the businesses game thing

    u missed two Reintergrative shaming and Incapcitation and i aint answering ur uestion just showing u missed two HERE IS HER UESTIONS AGAIN Question: Outline the criminal process from investigation to post sentencing, what role does descretion play within this process?
  13. obimoshman1234

    Who's relying on the days between exams to study?

    yeah kinda am especially for legal bio double up day only got 3 days to study for it i mean i have done study for them just havent been able to soley focus on them
  14. obimoshman1234

    what person do u write in section 3 area of study?

    section 3 is an essay and it depends on the uestion
  15. obimoshman1234

    what uni do you plan to go to next year.

    USYD ftw seriously if i dont get there then w/e i do get wont be there long cause it will be /transfer usyd
  16. obimoshman1234

    Personality question

    well i mean for a 10 and 15 marks split u should still know most of it at least more than half and i probably say seeing how last two years its been split 10 and 15 its probably going to be that but its best to know it all
  17. obimoshman1234

    Problems Answerni Section 1, Paper 1, (especially the last question)

    ok for section one all the uestions ARE ALL ABOUT TECHNiCUE so u have to improve ur skill with identifying these within the texts. For the last part (my best part) u have to generally say why these two texts are good or compare them its really just list the techs again with some more analysis
  18. obimoshman1234

    How many hours did you study during the year?

    over the year i prob did about 2-3 hours study a night i guess not including assessments or anythign but i mean not that great didnt help that mcuh
  19. obimoshman1234

    Study notes how many pages?

    lol i got about 70 between physics and bio without inclusion of pracs dont know why people buy other peoples notes. Also i find using other notes its best not to rely on them but use them to write ur own set with lots of other sources but thats just me. also for for making ur notes best way...
  20. obimoshman1234

    For The Options.....

    ur options have almost always been assess effectivness uetions so really its knowing the end parts of the syllabus which involve effectiveness but i guess to know those properly u need to know the rest