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  1. obimoshman1234

    The legals ripoff of the businesses game thing

    pretty much i want to start the same thing business study forum has where we ask uestions people answer then post another uestion this is what i am talking about if u want to look essentially helps us study adn understand stuff...
  2. obimoshman1234

    How To Come About Option Questions

    ^ persons post above is right except resource effiecieny is partially interwined with accessibility with things like court times how they are generally over packed that sorta stuff. otherwise i am just giving this a bump so others can read
  3. obimoshman1234

    Indivisibility of human rights

    ok it seems illogical however think about it this way if human rights were all = it means technically if a country puts say the fundemental HRs in they should not be able to then go we shall not give u say social security because it lesser than what we have given u. Its sorta like an ultimatium...
  4. obimoshman1234

    2 weird questions, HELP!

    well what criminal justice issue have u chosen to do first second what dont u understand about the uestion?????
  5. obimoshman1234

    studying 8-10 hrs a day during STUVAC

    god its so easy to procrastinate i mean GGAAAHHHHH i try to study but i dont know what happens i just stare at the notes and well dont really analyse or attempt to remember them
  6. obimoshman1234

    Workplace LCMD Thread

    nope got to make ur own i guess
  7. obimoshman1234

    Indivisibility of human rights

    ok it does seem illogical however its suppose to mean that all rights are = therefore u should receive all of them not just some as technically no human right is more important than others its suppose to make sure u recieve all and not just some due to a states discretion over which...
  8. obimoshman1234

    Ancient History or Biology.

    well it all comes down to interest in subject. I mean if u dont truly enjoy it u would have to really push urself for good marks. I mean best course of action ask ur teacher for ancient what ur optionals are going to be then decided whether or not u think u will enjoy them and if u dont drop
  9. obimoshman1234

    Preliminary Physics knowledge for the HSC?

    no offense but ok looking having tutor all that cant compare to someone who has actually COVERED THE HSC course also having done TRIAL HSC allows me and every one else doing physics hsc this year much better view on what is truly important and heavily tested in the hsc. i mean its not that u...
  10. obimoshman1234

    Please Help

    azn ur problem was ur summarized the text book instead of using the text book and other sources to make notes form syllabus. Seriously never use text book for main notes what u should do is GET A COPY SYLLABUS AND MADE NOTES FOR EACH DOT POINT USING INFO FROM UR TEXT BOOK WHERE IT IS USEFUL that...
  11. obimoshman1234

    What are you guys doing to study?

    going over my notes for syllabus i have made over the course of the year attempting past papers
  12. obimoshman1234

    procrastinating: your biggest distractions

    my god seriously i dont knwo what is biggest distraction i guess all my work and the internet
  13. obimoshman1234

    2 exams in 1 day!

    seriously people u have know u were going to have 2 in the one day for a hell of alot of time now so stop complaining now seriously u have had time to come to grips with it and prepare for it. and dont say easy fro u to say u dont got to cause i am in the same boat as people doing bio and...
  14. obimoshman1234

    Class of 2008 is the largest ever HSC Cohort

    obviously u dont realise how many schools in nsw provide accerlerated courses i mean some people can do them through tafe so its understandable that there could be 3000 year 11 students doing accelerated courses
  15. obimoshman1234

    Preliminary Physics knowledge for the HSC?

    ok seriously from prelim electrical energy is in motors and generators however if u dont remember it doesnt matter because u recover everything u need to know seriously this is how it basically is not much prelim is needed for hsc course however the knowledge u do need WILL BE RECOVERED BY...
  16. obimoshman1234

    Scenario: HSC Starts tomorrow?

    if hsc was tomorrow i would prob just spend the day making myself sick so i could get out of it lol and have more time to study
  17. obimoshman1234

    The Woolworths Thread

    gah apparently from now on woolies only going to give me 4 hours shifts. LAME i want my god damn breaks but no since i turned 18 i am to expensive to put on for 5 hour shifts:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
  18. obimoshman1234

    Class of 2008 is the largest ever HSC Cohort

    sure but there are a hell of alot of schools which provide accelerated course and they dont all have to be maths they can be other things as well so really it is possible for 3000 people who be sitting the rest of their hsc to do one subject this year also i might get raged for this BUT I...
  19. obimoshman1234

    Do you have a tutor?

    yea i gots a tutor its just so i force myself to revise maths and physics sorta thing i mean i know all he stuff but he acts like my weekly reminder to study those subjects lol
  20. obimoshman1234

    Preliminary Physics and Biology knowledge for the HSC?

    ok lol bio pretty much covered essentially anything u need to know for prelim course will be recovered in more detail in hsc course so dont fret now for physics which i cna help with. From prelim course only things u kinda need will be the knowledge about waves, barely anything from...