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  1. G

    muck up day

    i changed schools my new school are pretty strict so basically nothing although for some reason they dont care bout year 12s throwing eggs at students at my cousins school last year all the year 12's drove their cars into the main quad it was apparently like impossible to go through main quad...
  2. G

    UMAT Results

    typically 180ish for both newcastle and uws but it may be lower for locals
  3. G

    UMAT Results

    dont worry i wont tell ne1 :rofl: i was so excited i dont know wat happened but funny thing was i used a calculator (i think) :wave: good luck with ne interviews
  4. G

    UMAT Results

    thats good enough for medicine, so i suspect it will be pretty decent for pharmacy despite wat every1 thinks raw score isnt out of 100 some guy apparently got 104 for section 1 before there is no limit really but percentiles are out of a 100 so raw scores for you are 187/x
  5. G

    UMAT Results

    u misunderstood me due to her miscalculation i had a hgiher score thats what i was confused about b4 i added it up myslef she beat me wither way!
  6. G

    UMAT Results

    oops! (note to self: read whole post) lol ok 1. what are you applying for? medicine, pharmacy, dentistry what? 2. wat uni's 3. if u dont mind can u post your results
  7. G

    muck up day

    thats what my old school used to have back when i was in year 7 soooo funny one girl in my class got her 'slave' to propose to maths teacher lol
  8. G

    UMAT Results

    did you get an email from acer it said instructions do you know the site you printed off ur admission ticket it is the same site! u also need your transaction id (also need to remember password)
  9. G

    UMAT Results

    hey mate your adding up is as bad as mine my percentiles were 87, 99, 96= 282 and i was tellin everyone 272, didnt carry the 10 neither did you 100 + 88 + 98 = 286 (i was wondering how on earth i beat you in percentiles, but now after calculating yours, u beat me) lol
  10. G

    UMAT Results

    it is all relative wats ur uai sometimes you can get around it my problem is i got low uai (93-94 prediction), so my umat may be just a waste (exept for adeilaide + uncle)
  11. G

    UMAT Results

    ahhh! you beat me, lol S1 60 (87) S2 69(99) S3 65(96) i did a prep course (that explains it, lol) i once got 20/36 for section 2 (improvement?) in medentry but thats bad for the wieghted umat (double s1)
  12. G

    UMAT Results

    oops im not waggin chemistry im sick today (*coughs* lol) i dont if it is the nervousness or if i am really sick (my sister has been sick for a bit, so maybe i got it off her) so im waitin right now
  13. G

    So unsw doesn't love you?

    thanx but 1) it requires 95.15 UAI And stat test and i dont really want to do pharmacy (not as much as podiatry) so if i miss podiatry (86 uai) then def. no chance at sydney maybe at orange (thanx again) u applyin at usyd?
  14. G

    Ramadan 1428

    no muslim brothers here?
  15. G

    Somebody Please Help

    male right
  16. G

    UMAT Results

    im waggin beginnin of chemistry im sorry to school but i cant wait 1 hour to find results!
  17. G

    Fearing Muslim Lobby, Washington Post Pulls Cartoon.

    wat r u guys sayin? you dont have problems with free speech? right nowtell me you did not mind when hilaly 'compared woman to uncovered pieces of meat' i think that was wrong (I dont believe that) but theoretically thats free speech? u's were ok with that? i think there is free speech then...
  18. G

    Fearing Muslim Lobby, Washington Post Pulls Cartoon.

    i have prolems with the 'free speech' but thats beside the point i was agreeing with wasupdog. People thinkin muslims tryin to compare some1 like ossama to a prophet of god (pbuh).
  19. G

    Ramadan 1428

    he he i am generous LOL
  20. G

    So unsw doesn't love you?

    Thanks heap (i need all the hoping i can get LOL) UMAT comes out in 2 days AHHHHHHH!!!! I'm freaking out!!!! i know i didnt get 220 (if u got low UAI like me, you need some absurd scroe like 220 to get an interview qat UNSW) LOL 170 is good enough at some uni's (like 2) 180-190 is my aim...