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  1. G

    UMAT SCORE 300, UAI 100/ ENTER 99.95-which uni wuld u choose

    If i had enough cash to live in melbourne def monash but for me UNCLE i mean it is an awesome course + in later years (3-5) you get to do half the course in gosford hospital (my area, 20 minutes, dont need to travel to Newcastle, 2 hours)
  2. G

    Ramadan 1428

    ramadan kareem to all borthers and sisters 5 days gone already, WOW! going quicker this year due to probs concentrating on HSC
  3. G

    So unsw doesn't love you?

    well i want to do medicine because it is a life long dream of mine. I want to definately help people but the reason I feel i can help people better in this field than say food preperation (which I have done, and customers are grateful, i mean u r feeding them) or construction etc. is that I...
  4. G

    Fearing Muslim Lobby, Washington Post Pulls Cartoon.

    yes Jesus (pbuh) was a prophet of allah and for any1 to try and compare a person nowadays to similar atus as a prophet, they are not only deluded but highly offensive!
  5. G

    Advanced vs Standard

    meh.. i was headin for band 4 advanced english now i got a decent chance in scrapin in band 5 standard english it depends on wat type of person you are. If you r alreayd haeding for band 5 in advanced dont drop down!
  6. G

    Fearing Muslim Lobby, Washington Post Pulls Cartoon.

    i could see the humour in it but i reckon some1 like my sister could be offended by that coz 1) it isnt a 'fad' or something and 2) a man's rightful place? Probably some minor undertone relying upon a flase aspect of Islam. I'm impressed they didnt show it, but personally I would definately...
  7. G

    UAI predict Plzzzzzzz

    hey i do exact same subjects except for maths general (i do advanced) unless you improve you are looking at less than 50
  8. G

    Most hated TV personalities

    sonya kruger chicks on today tonight (1st naomi robninson and now that new one, but esp. naomi) newton gretel dude from ABC "rollercoaster'
  9. G

    Chemistry Trial Marks?

    LOL :bomb: altough it isnt a good thing to have in common i have the potential to be brilliant accordin to several teachers thru high school but i got the bad attitude (stubborn) that makes it hard ive refused to touch chemsitry since gettin results back everything selse im starting up again...
  10. G

    Trials Results

    English Standard Paper1 1-10 2-12 3-11 Paper2 A-16 B-18 C-17 Overall ranking for trial = 5/43 Maths 76% = (roughly guessing about 50/130) Biology 83% = 6/44 Business Studies 89% =top 10/40ish Chemistry 65% = 38/70ish Overall (Cumalative) Rankings English- 79 - 7/43 Maths- 78- 50/130...
  11. G

    Tips for 2007 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC ??? i pretty sure it is whats gonna hold back my UAI they give out hardly any band 6's
  12. G

    Tips for 2008 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC ??? i pretty sure it is whats gonna hold back my UAI they give out hardly any band 6's
  13. G

    Tips for 2008 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC english standard is very bad for UAI
  14. G

    Tips for 2007 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC english standard is very bad for UAI
  15. G

    Chemistry Trial Marks?

    meh... i think that is my problem i dont find it interesting therefore i cant motivate myself last year in biology yr11 i hated plants and got 53% this year i like human related, and i got 83% im the type of person who is stubborn
  16. G

    Simpsons Quotes thread

    that episode was on this week LOL
  17. G

    Chemistry Trial Marks?

    65% flunked it big time 38th ive gone from 88-80-78-76-65 % 15-27-28-29-38 i really hate chemistry with a passion worst subject and i spent half my time studying for it other half spread out over 5 others all 80+ (maths only 76)
  18. G

    Parents Divorced

    i agree with you to an extent but it does vary to the extent a divorce can have on people and it can cause psychological torment look i was talking to two counsellors at school one said to apply for divorce circumstances one said for hayfever disrupting my studies (my hayfever falres up once a...
  19. G

    Parents Divorced

    Uh... it doesnt young individuals given the chance to pursue dreams affected by living choices that arent theirs to make it is a method to rectify the 'bad things' in the world also, UAC r extremely harsh on these sort of things they probably (dont know any figures) reject more genuine...
  20. G

    Australia and New Zealand 'should become one'

    im sure :rofl: (*sarcasm*) i thought that type of thinkin went out the window 20-30 yrs ago. I mean thats what people said to justify it "it is for their own good" blah blah About the God reply i was referring to between humans