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  1. A

    Modelling Semiconductors

    help guys, i have an assessment coming up and we have to construct a physical model of a semi-conductor. any ideas? here is the marking criteria (minimum requirements): 1) movement of holes and electrons modelled 2) electric field switched on/off; switch included 3) holes and electrons...
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    Do you people have to do this for your assesments?

    Semiconductor Model /dialogue Assessment yea, we have to do an assessment where we have to make a semiconductor model and i have no idea how i should go about doin it. then the second section is like a dialogue thing between einstein and planck and their opposing views about whether or not...
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    physics gurus: aether experiment help

    PHY: half yearly tomoz - MM expt help but then if it is as you say, that both beams/rays of light were found to be in phase at the end, IN BOTH CASES then what was the point of trying to interpose the two rays by 90 degrees? why did they rotate the apparatus in the first place? that is...
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    physics gurus: aether experiment help

    just one thing guys that i am a bit dazed about. can you guys let me know if what i have written here is correct? I am not sure if my account of michelson-morley expt is correct or not, especially the reason for interposing the two rays. Thanks heaps! :) :)...
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    fruit flies =|

    i wasn't talking about red eyed males and red eyed females crossing.
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    Ethanol Question

    according to A: The reaction is very slow because ethene is not water soluble but what does reaction speed have to do with solubility? not picking a fight or anything ;) just wondering how a physical change can help in a chemical reaction.. help!
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    help bio half yearly

    wow...thanks Cab31. inspiring! :D what uai did you end up with btw? i know its the wrong thread..
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    coolies, thanks for that :D
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    help bio half yearly

    csu website..good and bad i agree. sometimes i feel like the csu website is just rambling some bullcrap totally out of context (especially in biology) but it also can provide a template for answers. but i hate it when i am confused about something, go to the site and end up more confused then...
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    help bio half yearly

    by the way.. :D thanx heaps for the advice Cab31. what scaled mark did you end up getting for bio? u mentioned band6.... i heard bio isnt scaled as much as other sciences.. i hope it boosts my uai.
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    Ethanol Question

    hydration question well, i know that you need a catalyst because water doesn't just spontaneously react with ethene. There is no 'incentive' for water to react chemically with ethene. I though A was about a physical reaction (dissolution) and didnt have anything to do with "reacting". I know...
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    fruit flies =|

    FRUITFLY business! It doesn't matter what you choose -red eyed or white eyed males, (or females) when you breed them for two successive generations, then you will still end up with a white-eyed male (provided that the red eyed organism is homozygous, i think). This is what i think anyway...
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    help bio half yearly

    Past papers does anyone know if there are past papers and other exam questions on the resource site bcos i couldn't find any. Where can i get past papers?... thanx :)
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    enantiostasis this correct? i still dont understand the definition though. Enantiostasis seems similar to homeostasis. From what i know, enantiostasis is the maintenance of metabolic and physiological conditions in response to fluctuations in the external environment, in the absence of...
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    UMAT Prep 2005

    good idea :)
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    UMAT Prep 2005

    UMAT dilemma interesting poll results...but seemingly out of reach for me. i am boarding and it wont be easy to attend coaching classes. i have been trying to look for practice questions and papers on the luck...sample questions....uh-huh. do any of you know if there is a decent set...
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    Galvanic Cell Help!

    when you say connect +ve terminal to anode, are you talking about the terminal of a galvanometer or what? this is not clear...
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    Galvanic Cell Help!

    galvanic cell question Thanks for your input guys but still a bit hazy. Let's clear it up. just one question: if you set up the galvanic cell as i have mentioned above with Zn as anode and Cu as cathode, then will a galvaometer placed in series deflect towards the right (direction of flow...
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    Galvanic Cell Help!

    hi there, just one question i am confused about... in a Zn|Zn++ and Cu|Cu++ galvanic cell, because Zn is more electropositive than copper, it gets oxidised and thus there is electron flow from the zinc terminal (anode) to copper terminal (cathode) right? Is the CURRENT flow the same, i.e...
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    Overtime Overload this week!!

    No Work I get christmas day and boxing day holidays on Mon and Tues. Same with New Years for that on Mon. It's great but at the same time could do with the money...damn.