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  1. A

    Vocabulary tips

    What you all are saying all bear gravity in thier own separate ways. When I was a kid, I used to watch TV excessively... I watched silly programs like cartoons, reality tv, sitcoms, soaps, you name it... I was a twelve-year old TV tycoon glued to the TV by an adhesive addiction! Now when I...
  2. A

    Considerations for yr 12

    The way you view how difficult a subject is, essentially depends on how much you are interested in it, I guess... Personally I love science and although I don't really love 4 unit maths, I guess I think I should do it because it is scaled very high! Hence the 6 unit science and 4 unit...
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    Need To Raise $$$?

    hmm... not a bad idea and I can't take anything away from you for trying but maybe you should advertise with a litlle more conviction in a more appropriate forum?
  4. A

    Vocabulary tips

    Yeah, true! :uhhuh:
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    I need $$$$

    DO you think I should start working even before the end of term 4? I don't want work to clash with Study. :confused:
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    Vocabulary tips

    Learning vocab helps, and as in all cases, only if used appropriately! Yeah, what you guys say is true.
  7. A

    Can you do Ext English in Yr 12 without doing in Yr 11?

    SO you7 can do ext english in yr 12 withouht doing in yr 11?? Thanks for the stats by the me an idea of what's goin on! :uhhuh:
  8. A

    SPEECHES trouble

    Not a prob! :uhhuh:
  9. A

    Vocabulary tips

    My Yr 12 friend gets this lady to come to school (we're boarders) and she teaches him for 50 bucks an hour. I must say, that's too much for me! Can't you get teachers who know all the modules or who are in general really good at ENglish teaching?
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    Considerations for yr 12

    MOst of the assessments in Term 4 are towards the end aren't they?
  11. A

    Vocabulary tips

    How much does the average tutor charge?? Yeah, I think many of my classmates are considering taking tuition in English, mainly because it's a subject that definitely counts no matter what you do.
  12. A

    Considerations for yr 12

    Well at least someone's with me!
  13. A

    Thoughts about year 12

    You're damn right about that. Gotta go into Yr 12 relaxed, active and ready to fire!!!
  14. A

    Vocabulary tips

    True, you can derive good ENglish not just from novels and books but also from TV, newspaper and the like. Good point!
  15. A

    Considerations for yr 12

    You're 1/8 through 4 unit ?? Now that's called getting your head stuck into things!!! GOod preparation! I wish I could do that, just too bloody distracted all the time!!!!!!!
  16. A

    Vocabulary tips

    Yeah, I guess there is no shortcut to these things. I'll have to read heaps, look up words I'm not familiar with and then apply these new words in my written, spoken English. Thanks heaps guys!
  17. A

    Vocabulary tips

    Yeah, I think linking is also very important when writing essays and stuff. Apparently BOS calls linking synthesis!? Thanks anyway!
  18. A

    SPEECHES trouble

    Wow, thanks for taking time to share that! That was great. I think I am a bit more clear on this now.
  19. A

    11 units or 13?

    AS far as possible, avoid doing a subject you don't WANT to do...there's nothing worse than getting bored with a subject you hate and staring out the classroom window for a whole damn year!! If possible, drop the one you don't want to do. Success = ability + effort + DESIRE
  20. A

    SPEECHES trouble

    I heard Atwood, CIcero and Pearson were the most challenging ones, too. I've seen this 'context, purpose, audience' thing about a hundred times. WHat do we mean by purpose of the text? WHat about audience?? Is it referring to audience then or now? Oh, and do we need to talk about...