I checked out that Cut Theatre site......it isn't great as it doesn't have any notes on techniques in terms of specific scenes. Does anyone have any notes on this production eg: on costumes, lighting etc
What was Lear wearing btw?
Hey guys, I'm trying to write a generic essay for King Lear but I can't seem to get it right. Here's my intro......would somebody be so kind as to tell me how I can change it, reword it, what to leave out or whatever. I don't really like it because it seems kind of messy......what do u guys...
Yes, the values of contemporary society regarding women, particularly in the West - influenced by the feminist movement of the 60's. Nowadays, you can't just call women ''marble hearted'' fiends and get away with it. Hence the Megan Finlay production.
I'm guessing a feature article or letter.....not sure of the q. What q's did everyone have for their trial? Mine was a really stupid q about being the sydney theatre company hiring you as their director and to make a convincing argument of some sort - or something equally cracked, can't really...
I absolutely hated it and found it hard to link the concept of the journey with the first two texts. Btw, was there a simile in text 3 - something to do with a skateboard rink.....I mentioned that twice and didn't even know whether it counted as a simile. Grrrrr
*Section 2 was great though :)*
Phewww........it just confused me a little because usually even with the ''your understanding'' q's I would do it in 3rd person. However, because it also said understanding of yourself, I was like uhh what the, how am I meant to do that when I'm writing in 3rd person.
Wait....so we were supposed to use first person? I thought that wasn't exactly the best thing to do in essays, even if the question did say ''how did your understanding'' blah blah blah. Can someone clarify this? Were we supposed to write in first person?
Just wondering, if we get asked to do a diary entry or personal reflection for section 2, are we supposed to do it in paragraphs? Real diary entries aren't usually in paragraphs, but seeing as this is an exam.......
Does someone know where I can get the stimulus for the comprehension q's (CSSA)? (ie. the feature article, poem etc) It's not in the resources section....thanx
If it specifically says use the quote to start or end your story with then I don't think you should change it. Try and do it in a smart way though. Like if the quote was ''I wasn't ready for this journey'' and you want your story to be in third person then you could do something like ''I wasn't...
Hey Sarsoor, read this story and see if you like it. You can use it if you want to. It's my first story but I'm probably not going to use it anymore coz I don't like it. Good luck.
I stared up in horror as she endlessly slashed her wrists with sharp metal...
They do tend to mark easier in the HSC. However, they're still hesitant about giving full marks. That annoys me too - they won't tell you why you lost a mark, just that ''it wasn't quite a 15''. Grrrr
I'd like to know that too. Can we use the techniques that we used in the 2/3markers for a particular text, again in the 5/6mark question? Or does all of it have to be new techniques?