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  1. Bare_Essentials

    French or Italian

    Which scales better? Or do they both scale the same?
  2. Bare_Essentials


    Two questions 1) Which language scales better...French or Italian? 2) If you do 13units for yr 11 and you dont pass a 2unit course but your going to drop it when you are allowed to can you still go on to do your HSC or do you repeat yr 11 again? Cause are teachers are telling us that if...
  3. Bare_Essentials

    Does preliminary count towards HSC?

    That so is me. I swear i'm only getting C's this year and stuff. HSC is definately not for me.
  4. Bare_Essentials

    Recipe for failure

    We use Tim Dixon i think. the title's "The Market Economy" It's so boring though. I've gotten up to chapter two and then i've just lost motivation. And i need to know till topic 3 for my exam :( I think i might just read the book and then go do the exam. If i fail then i fail....However if...
  5. Bare_Essentials

    Recipe for failure your friends want to give me their notes? Pleeeeeeease?
  6. Bare_Essentials

    Recipe for failure

    *whistles* Disicipline..? Whats this u speak of :p I have a feeling thats what i might have to end up doing....reading the textbook throughly. It's just that it is soooooo boring. Sarah you must be good at eco. I sux!! I'm dropping it asap.
  7. Bare_Essentials

    Recipe for failure

    Eng Extension Eng Advanced General Maths Business Studies Modern History PDPH Economics Eco is the one I need notes for. I'm covered for the rest of the stuff.
  8. Bare_Essentials

    Recipe for failure

    I'm one desperate girl. DESPERATE!!! My exams start on wednesday for half yearlies and i need eco notes for prelims. however whenever it coems to doing the work this is my day Open up new word document, stare at blank screen. open up vogue, start browsing and looking at pretty clothes...
  9. Bare_Essentials

    Anything that you would like?

    More notes on preliminary coursework rather than just HSC. Especially economics!! :chainsaw: to the teacher for not allowing me to change! PDPH is another one where there's mostly notes for only HSC...mind u i'm more desperate for those economics help. Thanx so much...... :D
  10. Bare_Essentials

    is anyone interested in swapping notes with me?

    I'm doing the following subjects in yr 11 Eng Ex Eng Adv General Maths Business Studies Modern History PDPH Economics I would love to have notes on PDPH & Economics if anyone could help me out please? Economics being the most important as i hate it but am not allowed to drop as it is...