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    Who here wants to study law?

    yeh me 2 but i dunno what uni im aiming 4 yet
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    Is Larceny an indictable matter or summary?

    depends on how much the person if they stole some shoes it would be summary but if they stole $100000 from a bank it would be indictable
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    UAI cutoff changed?

    na i dun think so........i heard they reduced the uai's coz not enuff ppl were getting in or sumthing
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    Does God Exist?

    i dont think u ppl realise that SCIENCE IS NOT OPPOSED TO THE EXISTENCE OF A's possible that God exists without that affecting science u know
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    Lear thread

    hey pplz im hopeless with king lear.....i dont even understand the story, could anyone give me a brief plot outline or something (btw ive already looked at spark notes and their plot outline was crap, it was more confusing than the play)
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    i know but im talking more like notes by the syllabus kinda thing
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    UAI cutoff changed?

    hey i heard that UNSW changed the uai cutoffs for law to like 96.7 or something, is that true? and did sydney change it aswell? if anyone knows anything bout it plz tell
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    hey, i cant seem to find any notes on cleo and her times on this site, everyones doing hatshepsut. If anyones got any good notes on cleo plz lemme know thanx
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    Mr Habib released

    excuse me XAYMA but ur obviously ignorant when it comes to international law.........theres something called the ICCPR, go nd read it and then post ur ideas.........he does have rights because he hasn't been charged (its called no detention without trial)
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    Sparta - military - syllabus

    ahhhh ok thanks alot :)
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    Sparta - military - syllabus trying to make notes on sparta by the syllabus, but the syllabus has like 2 seperate headings in it for military. Under 1 part it says 'military elite' and in the other it says 'military way of life' not exactly sure what info to put under each heading. Like whats the...
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    feature articles

    thanx alot r champs!
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    Who does very well in english and doesn't read at all?

    reading helps out heaps, i used to read like a whole novel a day and i was really good at english. Now i never read and i pretty much suck.......its just good coz it makes u familar with writing techniques nd making sentences seem interesting nd it teaches u lots of big words lol...
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    media john butler trio

    lol thanx, jam on toast but i didnt mean the actual lyrics, i meant notes on their meaning, techniques etc
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    hey ppl, whats that site which calculates like a guess u put in guess marks for your subjects and it calculates your UAI
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    media john butler trio

    Does anyone have any notes on lyrics to the song media arghhh im desperate, i gotta exam 2moro ....thanx
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    what do you guys think?

    hey interested in english tutoring, i tried PMing you but it didnt work...could u either pm or email me with the details thanks alot
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    feature articles

    hey could anyone give me some tips on how 2 write a feature article. Like i know the basic stuff but any minor stuff or effective techniques would help. Thanks