Search results

  1. Crobat

    Bali Nine drug smuggler Andrew Chan’s powerful message to Australians

    Watched a documentary on the Van Nguyen case and it was pure tragedy that one. Van Nguyen's mother had a difficult life and was just the loveliest woman and to lose her son because of his poor decision making (even though it had the right intentions at heart) was just not fair. But yeah, they...
  2. Crobat

    Arts/Law or Commerce/Law at USYD?

    Best bet would be to go for Arts, I'd say. Doing Business/Law now and every day I lament not having picked Arts/Law and studied my real interests. To counterbalance I've picked an economics major which is more expansive and social orientated that the usual but as I'm going into Law, I personally...
  3. Crobat

    Not sure what to combine law with...

    As a law student, my best advice would be to do a second degree you have a genuine love and interest for. Law isn't particularly beyond anyone studying it, but it can be tedious and tiresome just with how much work you need to get through each semester, so it's always a good balance to be...
  4. Crobat

    Apple or Android?

    always preferred Android over iOS because iOS never really impressed me enough to make me care about the iPhone or want to pay the same amount for a plan on a phone that is quite sub-par compared to so many other phones out there but Apple definitely has the best ability for its devices to...
  5. Crobat

    Crobat's Guide To HSC English Advanced.

    2. It absolutely did, but i approached it last because Mods A and C were pretty clear cut easy questions and so my adaptation of my generic fit in quite well and easily (which saved me about 20 minutes extra to spend on the Mod B essay). 3. Before the trials (before most of the assessments...
  6. Crobat

    Restore the right to offend

    a lot of people are, don't worry
  7. Crobat

    The Right to Defend

    I understand the points you are making but statistics (source) show far and wide that guns are rarely used to stop crimes from happening (summary of source) and quite frankly you can never guarantee the mindset of someone purchasing a gun months or even years down the track I think they're an...
  8. Crobat

    Restore the right to offend

    no i understand the concept i've just never been in favor of it *cuetheshockandhorrorandbarrageofinsultsohno
  9. Crobat

    Anyone else doing/done an external transfer through UAC please read

    lol stuck with me and the other dirty prols of uts hahahahaha
  10. Crobat

    Restore the right to offend

    that is literally the reason i don't think the right to offend is anything to want in australia :haha:
  11. Crobat

    Restore the right to offend

    how this has escaped the people who are wasting time in parliament debating over this non-issue is beyond me
  12. Crobat

    Restore the right to offend

    but i don't agree with the right to offend it's just an excuse for the ignorant to stay ignorant not very progressive at all to be honest
  13. Crobat

    Restore the right to offend

    tbh s18c literally does nothing but stop your radio shock jocks from inciting Cronulla riots v2.0 if you want your freedom of speech protected lobby parliament to create a charter of rights, but i think 18c is necessary to prevent the dumb as shit situation in america where the ignorant and...
  14. Crobat

    USYD vs UTS vs UWS Nursing?

    i am jealous of those high employment stats (srs)
  15. Crobat

    USYD vs UTS vs UWS Nursing?

    is nursing not one of those basically guaranteed employment industries with huge shortages nationally?
  16. Crobat

    Does UNSW give offers for Law after Main Round?

    I would assume places open up to fill those who declined their UNSW offer in the main round?
  17. Crobat

    House of Cards Season 3 Thread

    frankie underwood could whip the shit out of specter
  18. Crobat

    New years resolutions

    dude you have a higher gpa and atar than me at this point last year and i had a higher gpa and atar at this point last year than three of my uts friends that transferred to unsw chillax you scrub
  19. Crobat

    Uts law vs maq law - which is better?

    Great to see you chose UTS after those lengthy discussions, and even better that you like it here! I wouldn't have met/bumped into you at any point would I have?
  20. Crobat

    House of Cards Season 3 Thread

    much drool many boner