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    Guys is he right! is that even a university that's accepts medicine with 88 atar, if yes then why not, where exactly is it? You must be trolling "Siddy123" if your not prove it, bro. Any suggestion/advice from anyone, Riproot how did you get into UWS medicine, I am really interested there, I...
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    BIO Trial- Discussion

    How on earth is every going to remember all the information? Is it by writing is out like 10 times all their notes, or reading it? who agrees that reading it, won't stay in your head? cause in my half- yearly, wrote my notes and got 80%, not becuase I didn't know watch, cause I read on...
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    what are my options if I get say 90 atar and did good in the Umat ( like 93 percentile), is there any uni that could accept this? I know, HSC is stressful, but should I do, if I don't get the Atar, please guys any help, suggestion would be accept? I am really busy for studying for trials right...
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    Thoughts on CSSA chemistry?

    how did every find the question on the account the ph, something like 0.5? Did you have to minus the two numbers to get 0.5, say why. ( I think it was 3 marks).
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    Year 12 pranks

    I remember, once a asian kid sitting next too me, I started playing a prank on him, he start to shit his pant's, lol
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    Year 11 Chem --> Year 12 chem

    For premilinary, remeber the different types of bonding hydrogen bonding, covalent bonding ( when electrons completely their outer shelll, ie. 8 electrons), inter and intra molecular bonding, chemistry of certain atoms, molecular bonding, physical and chemical properities, then open your...
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    How to draw links between texts

    In contrastingly, Furthermore, likewise, similarly, comparatively, To compare, furthermore, Nevertheless, To connect, Same as above, Not same as above, To link, To show be comparison, Plus, add sophistication, clear structure, style of writing, use the open your comfort with...
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    2013 Trials- How did you go?

    I finished both paper 1 and 2 in one hour, no joke... I smashed it completely, like killed the paper, I predicted the question and all my esssay and creative fitted the question perfectly... I just so confident... paper 2, I had hour left, lol serious the paper wasn't hard, why you guys...
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    Is the possible to get ATAR90?

    means you must be smart in maths. your other ranks are good, just start practice papers for maths, hopefully you will get your goal of 90. good luck,
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    how late is too late???

    lol, you can get your goal, just study... I always wanted to get into medicine, now I think the fucked up HSC system also screwed my Atar. hence now I can't get into medicine, english is the worest subject, everytime, I write a essay ( I serious even check it with my tutor, who marks it several...
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    IB Maths Tutor - Sydney

    heay man, I trials next week, how much do you charge. PM, to let me know, keep in mind that I have financial problems, can you help me!
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    Is the possible to get ATAR90?

    yes, since your doing the four asian combo, man! it just means that you need to only focus on ESL ( which is low scaling btw) plus your Asian, mate, you must be gun a maths!
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    Trial Discussion Thread.

    fuck I just did the CSSA paper 1, it was a so easy that I can't even describe my feeling, I did the paper in 1 hour, with the extra hour making sure I smash everyone in my cohort. Here comes a state rank for me, I got my paper 2 tomorrow to kick the shit out of it,
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    Accelerated subject results

    wow, good luck for accerating three subjects, it must be tough for any student accerating three subjects, if you have the time, do it why not? I wish I accerated Sor 1U on year 11, you doing a great work. keep it up man, you should be very happy. Ace all three and plus HSC, you will surly get...
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    HSC Science lovers

    Guys start sharing, your questions and ideas anything about the upcoming trails or if you have done you trails post your thoughts! Enjoy guys
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    HSC Science lovers

    Here is all the year 12 chemistry chemical equations, for everyone doing the Trials for chemistry: Note: If you know this you will ace the Trials and plus summaries all you notes into dotpoints and re-writing them is extremely sufficient and effective becasue guess what why is that your not...
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    HSC Science lovers

    Make sure you know all the type of equations and how to balanced them out, after that learn all your formula's and how to apply them, by simply buying a book and list all the formula's and most most importantly, when ever you can't do a problem write it out, because in order for to maximise your...
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    Heat reactions

    Pepperpie here is all site with all the chemical questions for yeally 11, all in one. make sure you know all the type of equations and how to balanced them out, after that learn all your formula's and how to apply them, by simply buying a book and list all the formula's and most most...
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    Fundamental Principle/Formulas

    good on you, mate! for sharing such a good good site, for all future HSC students, I guess we should make use if it till it expires. haha jokes lol:awesome:
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    Why can't I remember anything?

    I feeling exactly like you, just now- I also prepared hard but feel that I am forgetting some stuff, for example I do a past paper then I forget my equations, I think making your own notes but as short as possible like 8 pages max for each of your topics, that way your marking notes that are...