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  1. S

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    How should I study fro my english Trials, I struggle with english, I really want a band 6.
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    Would these ranks get me 98+ Atar

    200+ something like that, its a catholic school btw
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    Would these ranks get me 98+ Atar

    Biology Rank: 14/45 Aim: 1st ---------50% left Chemistry Rank: 7/16 Aim: Top 3 ---------30% left Maths 2u Rank: 4/15 Aim: 1st---------40% left Maths Ext 1 Rank: 5/7 Aim: 2nd---------40% left SOR 1U Rank: 20/46 Aim: Top 3---------20% left English Advanced: 40/50 Aim Top 30---------30% left...
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    HSC help

    Biology Rank: 14/45 Aim: 1st ---------50 left Chemistry Rank: 7/16 Aim: Top 3 ---------30 left Maths 2u Rank: 4/15 Aim: 1st---------40 left Maths Ext 1 Rank: 5/7 Aim: 2nd---------40 left SOR 1U Rank: 20/46 Aim: Top 3---------20 left English Advanced: 40/50 Aim Top 30---------30 left If I...
  5. S

    How to study for these subjects effectively

    My Maths 2u and Ext 1 each is worth 40% Trials. If I completely ace these exams, could I get a band 6 in them? My ranks are: Maths 2u: 4/15 Maths Ext 1: 5/7 English Advacned Rank: 40/50- could I still get a band 6 or band 5 atleast. Thanks,
  6. S

    HSC Trials Study Tips

    How do you study for maths ext 1, 2u? What would be the most effective study to do, to ace both the exams? I heard many times the word past papers, yes but how on earth do you go about exactly acing the Trials exams! ANy how has gotten a band 6 for both maths 2u/Ext 1, feel free to share your...
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    Quick help! very Urgent

    How do you study for maths ext 1, 2u? What would be the most effective study to do, to ace both the exams? I heard many times the word past papers, yes but how on earth do you go about exactly acing the Trials exams! ANy how has gotten a band 6 for both maths 2u/Ext 1, feel free to share your...
  8. S

    Help asap

    Hi Everyone, As you all know the stress of Trials getting closer and I have my Trials in 4 weeks times. What would be the most effective way for Study hard for each these subjects! Chemistry Biology Maths 2u/Ext 1 SOR 1U ENglish Advanced If you have any band 6 notes for these subjects, could...
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    Atar Esimate

    What would a internal overall assessment raw mark of low 80-84 align too and what does 76 hsc exam raw mark align too for my my subjects below in my sig. I want to get a band 6 for all subjects!
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    Conflicting perspectives help please!!

    Lol, focus on Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plaths' relationship as the conflicting perspective
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    Honest Advice

    what if I smash the Trials, here is how much it's worth. could I still get a band 6? Maths 2U: 4/15--- 40% Maths Ext 1: 5/7 --- 40% Chemistry: 7/16--- 30% Biology: 14/45--- 30% English Advanced: 40/50--- 40% SOR 1U: 20/46--- 20% Will getting band 6's is above 99 Atar, right? Have you got a...
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    Honest Advice

    will can you answer my questions above: that's it I am going to even study more as hell. I just need to know; If I can still get a band 6 in all my subjects and the Atar I am currently on? WHY can't I get 90+ Atar, what subject is preventing it from happening.
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    Plans/To-do list for English during the coming school holidays

    lol, I am not sure how to locate my time, could you help me out. My rank is really shit like 40/50. I really wan to get 90+ HSC mark. I am burning and have no idea on how to go about studying for English Trials. I do Romulus My Father- Belonging Blade Runner/Frankenstein- Module A Gwen...
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    Honest Advice

    Guys, That's it I am going to study as hell. I just need to know; If I can still get a band 6 in all my subjects and the Atar I am currently on? School: 200+ Maths 2U: 4/15 Maths Ext 1: 5/7 Chemistry: 7/16 Biology: 14/45 English Advanced: 40/50 SOR 1U: 20/46 I will need some tips/study...
  15. S

    Top 20 ATAR estimate please :)

    Bro you have a chance at 99.8 Atar, if you improve Business and modern to 1st hopefully in your Trials. Otherwise all you other subjects seems good, you school ranking is good btw. Good luck bro
  16. S

    Should I even bother with 2 unit maths?

    right? Maths would not be included, but it can be since you might screw your other subjects in the external exam bro. Just work hard for all and just see what happens.
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    Atar Help

    Guys, So this is the sitution, after my half-yealies I achieved the following ranks: SOR 1U: Current Rank: 20/46 Biology: Mark difference: 2.55 ( only 35% was assessed: 1st girl scored: 32.9 Me: 30.35) Current Rank: 14/45 Chemistry: Mark difference: 7.7 ( only 70% was assessed: 1st Boy...
  18. S

    How much of a difference can trials make?

    They can make a difference, but we need your current ranks tell you? I personally ranked 1st in all my subjects at Sydney Boys, so just study hard and hope that you don't bomb the exam, just like you did your ranks. Let just say for example, if you ranked 6 in chemistry and you have 30% Trials-...