Search results

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    The Open High School

    I did italian beginners for my hsc through the open high school and my friend did french continuers. We both had a HUGE amount of difficulty learning the languages this way because of the distance and the general difficulties learning a language this way poses. I had a number of issues that i...
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    Yr 11 & 12 French - Please Help!

    i did italian beginners for hsc having only done it for 50 hours in year 8. theres no point trying to do a continuers course if you have little knowledge of the language to begin with especially if youre going to end up doing it through distance ed. which is the hardest thing in the whole world.
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    Information on Accommodation

    thats alright, thanks for your help. we've got a year to figure it out anyway. would applying earlier help? if i called them later in the year and said that we're both going and would prefer a placement together?
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    hey im going to into arts (international relations) with my excellent uai (it was higher than expected and im still super proud). ive deferred for this year though so i can get me some money and be at my maximum awesomeness for 2009. i know about 4 or 5 people from where i live going...
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    Information on Accommodation

    How easy is it to get into one of the five share rooms at Unilodge? Are there many/high demand? And a friend of mine is doing the same course as me...could we be in the same room or would it be a get what your given and then see if you can swap later on thing? Thanks...ive deferred for next year...
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    Presenting a speech

    a good breakfast always help as does plenty of sleep. Is the problem when youre delivering your speech more that you get nervous and overwhelmed by it? Or are you focusing too much on the fact that its an assessment and you know that youll stuff up so it sort of compunds and you get worse...
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    imaginative journeys cartoon need help findign some

    calvin and hobbes is good because he imagines hobbes to be real and they go on journeys together. theres a good one thats like calvin writing in a book (you just see his page) and its about him and hobbes attacking their evil monster teacher and then she catches him drawing in his book at the...
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    help please

    wouldnt e be pi 15^2 - pi 7.5^2
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    The Tempest And Nineteen Eighty Four???

    Imaginative journey texts that relate to The Tempest are easy to find and most of them would be a lot easier to do than an in depth text like 1984. I did octopus's garden by the beatles, lines and squares, a childrens poem by a.a milne and a speculative article i found in a national geographic...
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    Audiences Journey In Tempest

    You can also say that the journey Prospero takes from revenge to forgiveness etc. reflects the imaginative journey the audience has embarked upon with him in terms of the progression of the jounrey to its resolution. And the Elizabethan audience would have had the imaginative journey to a...
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    No-Doz Plus... shortening my lifespan?

    Coffee and red bull dont usually really hit me or have any major effect on my ability to stay awake, especially since ive got chronic fatigue syndrome but i took a no-doz and was able to stay awake for like 30 hours. i think i had 2 hours sleep in there and then i was up again for another 10...
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    Tips for travlling to Europe

    Westpac has an agreement with Deutschbank for free withdrawals - theyre in Germany, Italy and France from my experience so probly other western european countries as well. Withdrawals from other atms cost you about $10 each time. and if youre travelling over on singapore airlines they have a...
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    Is the SC beneficial for the future ?

    ^ i think most peoples view of the sc is similar if you go on the year 11 and 12, and that is that it isnt important. even once you finish year 11 employers only look at those results rather than year 10. but if you plan on leaving after year 10, then your sc results are going to be in your...
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    Online shopping sites you love?

    there are companies...i just cant think of the name of the one i used a while back...have you tried googling some? they charge you a fee for their services plus shipping to australia but its usually worth it...i'll try and find the name of the on i used.
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    Those who sat Adv. English

    Definitely equal for modules. I did just over a booklet for each, so about 9 pages. Paper 1 the amount you write doesnt really matter for the first 2 sections because quality definitely doesnt come with quantity even moreso than in section 3 or the modules. Section 3 i did a booklet and a...
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    Do you get marked down for pencil??

    plan on a blank sheet just some dot points to trigger what you'll write in your head. don't write in pencil because it clearly says black or blue pen and a lot of the stuff is marked on computers these days, even the long answers are done online by teachers so that could impact on how much of...
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    help plz

    imaginary journeys are journe of the imagination and therefore imaginative as they promote speculation and inspiration. but i also agree, if you cant understand the text, why choose it? it makes up a small percentage of what you have to write about so make that part easier on yourself and...
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    Is it worth studying for my science SC

    dont study. enjoy your lsat moments of freedom.
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    Has anyone finish all their exams?

    Re: Finished! yeah so ive been finished for like 6 days and boredom induced insanity is already set super glad i finished early (and definitely not jealous of you poor guys having it all dragged out) but my friends only started finishing today, so ive been sitting at home alone for...