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  1. Y

    So what can I throw out?

    my brother is an 2010er (so far away) and even though the syllabus is changing i looked it up and hes doing a couple of units similar or the same to what i did in english (speeches and telling the truth - ted hughes) cos my school wouldnt buy new texts if they can keep them the same. so i kept...
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    Has anyone finish all their exams?

    Finished! Had my last exam this morning! So excited to be finished! I'm now officially an unemployed member of society!
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    Anyone thinks they have killed the test

    how much you did doesnt necessairly equate to better marks. but since we're listing.. section 1 - 5 pages section 2 - 8 pages section 3 - 15 pages used about 10 quotes for the tempest, 5 for journeys over land and sea and each of my related materials.
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    italian beginners

    there were a few words i hadn't seen before but thats the same with most of the papers and theyre usually words that can be guessed from nearby english equivalents. i got that bit to mean something along the lines of that she was a precoscious child and sometimes a bit of a pest or something...
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    Answers to 2005 HSC paper?

    you cant get full answers for past english papers. this thread is for general maths, which you can get answers for because there are set answers. english doesnt have them. the best you can get is the markers notes which are available on the board of studies website.
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    Night you finish exams

    my exams finish on the 26th of october and none of my friends finish till like the 3rd of november so i'll end up cleaning out my stuff and then getting down to celebratig when theyre done. but definitely sleeping a lot.
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    Nanowrimo - Writing. Anyone doing it?

    mine will definitely end up being a pile of rambling, random shit. but it will be awesome rambling shit. editted into not so crap. :D
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    Dropping Mathematics.

    mathematics is time consuming, but if you keep 12 units it can be the one that doesnt count to your uai. think about what you want to do for uni...the thing ive noticed most when looking at uni courses is that most courses in the science/commerce/geographic areas require mathematics. so if...
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    Stress/ Relaxation tablets advertised???

    ^ probly cos youve been studying too much i've taken nervaids in the past, theyre herbal tablets you can buy at the chemist that help relieve anxiety. so you dont get so wound up and worried about stuff. they do help. well they did help me.
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    Characterisation in BNW/BR

    pretty much impossible. read your syllabus, the questions wording will come from that and its mostly about man's relationship with nature. and context
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    Nanowrimo - Writing. Anyone doing it?

    i think i'm going to. not sure why, but i'll have nothing better to do.
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    Did anyone...

    my friend dropped out and regretted it. mostly i think he missed the social contact cos all his friends finished and he didnt and now he cant get the job he wants.
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    theyve specified twice in like 5 years and since they havent for a couple of year chances are theyre more likely to? learn 3 or 4 in depth but know enough about the others that you could mention a couple of things about them if you have to
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    Standard Deviation

    wikipedia is heaps hard to understand....standard deviation is basically just how evenly the scores are distributed around the mean. if the z-score is +1, the score is in the set of scores that are one standard deviation above the mean. how the deviate around the mean. yes...does that help?
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    muck up day

    we get an assembly and no official muck up but they said we can do what we want as long as we dont vandalise anything or involve juniors in any way. and we have 'theme' days during the week, so today was ninjas and commandos and tomorrow is cowboys and indians
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    how much does your rents' pay for your schooling and extra activities?!

    public school - $85/semester fees piano lessons - $20/week italian - $35/hour (infrequently)
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    knocked up stories.

    from our year group of about 220, we've got 15 kids. 2 to one (she had the first when she was 14, doesnt know who the father of the second is) and the rest all had one each. and we're not even finished year 12 and thats only the girls, not counting the babydaddies. or abortions (at least 7)...
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    Sleeping with damp hair

    sleeping with wet hair makes it all itchy and kind of dandruffy.
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    end of year scavenger hunts!

    i think a good scavenger hunt has a combination of collecting and photgraphing, so if theres something that everyone knows about but not everyone can collect, you can still do something with it eg, horseland has a fake horse out the front of its store. we have to get a photo taken on it. i think...