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    thats pretty much what jobs like that entail... looking pretty, being nice to customers, making sure the store is neat and tidy by stacking shelves and folding and putting things on racks. and you outfit sounds cool :)
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    its not that foreign...they sell them at kmart i wear docs. the girls mary jane ones with the buckle, not the boots. i love them.
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    So Am I Meant To Get sh*t Marks For Maths

    your ranking isnt all that matters, but it certainly plays a part...if you can get in the 70-80 bracket then you should be trying to, because if only 7 people passed then it would be fair to say you would be at least top 3, which is also good for your hsc/uai. general maths scales down, but...
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    Boobah = evil

    ive seen that show... scariest shit ever. they dont seem to do anything. where is the educational value? same as those stupid teletubbies...
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    why do you wear heels?

    if youre short and everyone else wears heels and you dont... you'll look even more like an oompa loompa
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    Muck Up Photos

    our school forgot to tell us when our muck up photo was so everyone was unprepared...we managed to get our years banner in but that was it - no costumes or anything :(
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    What do you think?

    any fool can do a pip on abortions and shit like that...its run of the mill stuff that markers get sick of reading. simple topics generally work best from waht ive heard, the tween ideas is really good and would be interesting, but id be worried that there might be too much stuff and it would...
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    buy music online or cds

    online if its something new and your not sure if the album is worth it or if youll like it, and then a hard copy. i dont like burning because, well, its just not the same...
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    Year advisor/s

    to advise your year?
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    lol...i was trying to think of the word 'classic' to cover latin and ancient hebrew and whatnot but all i could think of was ancient and old, but if you start learning a new language/s for your hsc, rather than doing a mother language or one thats common in your area (i live in tamworth...the...
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    worried about sc

    even if you plan on leaving school after your sc, the actual marks you get dont matter. you just have the certificate and you can say that you achieved it. and no one cares what you got if you go on to the hsc anyways
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    wouldnt it be incredibly difficult to do more than one or two as a max languages? i started my prelim with italian and french, but my french was cancelled so i did society and culture, but even in the 6 weeks i did french for i was constantly getting words and grammar rules comfused. i spose it...
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    Nelson Mandela

    Castro and the cuban missile crisis is in the prelim syllabus...dunno about teh overlapping there
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    Seasame Street Flashback

    i remember teeny tiny little super guy! and i remember the ''don't, waste, water (water water water!)" song...i started humming the first part in english last week and the guy behind me did the water water water! bit... coolest thing ever lol
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    Working for two Coles Group stores - possible?

    You friend works at the target in tamworth and in forster...but her mum is the forster manager...and go for the target in armidale - my friends helped set it up and they said its awesome
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    Half Yearly Exams

    i find the best way to study for modern to be to rewrite everything...writing works for me. so does teaching it to someone else or group revision and discussion.
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    since hassidic judaism is an offshoot of traditional orthodox judaism it would be fair to presume that they have the same festivals and celebrations as they are fundamental to the jewish religion. and i havent found anything to contradict that
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    quick Blade Runner question

    our teacher said that whether or not deckard is a replicant is completely irrelevant to what we're doing and that its meant to be ambiguous in the its meant to be something taht you ponder as a viewer of the film, but as a student studying ti you cant just not mention it in your...
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    Example for a violation of Human Rights anyone???

    and why did you make 2 threads about the same thing?
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    Violation of Human Rights ideas anyone?

    - Abu Ghraib - Guantanamo Bay - Slavery - Africans in America and in Africa in diamond mines and stuff like in Blood Diamond - Holocaust - Use of child soldiers/prostitutes (especially in Africa at the moment) - to a certain extent you could probly say conscription or restrictions on civil...