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    What's the worst trouble you've ever been in at school?

    my friend poured vinegar into a drink bottle she found in the science lab on april fools day...the girl came back to get it a couple of hours later, drank it and thought she'd been poisoned. someone dobbed my friend in, but she didnt get in any real shit for it...
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    the devil and god rage inside me

    too many instrumentals too. i just remembered the instrumentals. i dont like them.
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    the devil and god rage inside me

    its definitely darker than their other ones...maybe a bit less listenable because of it. i like deja entendu better.
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    yeah...youve got to keep chem and 2u if youll need them for pharmacy, if thats what you want to do, because it will be a lot harder to get into the course without them, even if you do bridging courses. and i would imagine that chem and 2u scale a lot better than legal and general, so you'd...
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    Trying to buy a new camera phone

    the V3i is somewhere between 500 and 700 dollars...i have a V3 RAZR (the ones you keep seeing in pink) but mine is black. they come in silver too, and sometimes you can get them in white. mines on optus and you can get them for $199. the camera on it is pretty good, it zooms in to 4x and you can...
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    What is everybody doing for their national studies?

    We're doing russia cos we did romanovs last year so we have background info on the revolutions and whatnot, and we're doing trotsky for our personality to tie itall together. and then indochina for war and conflict one cos we did that last year too.
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    The downside to fatigue.

    im exactly the same. i had one of those diseases that have long term effects. like glandular fever, but worse. makes life hell. i am kind of able to figure when im having good days and bad days, and when im having a bad day, theres no point even trying to study, because im jsut going to fall...
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    Traveling Overseas long flights

    i flew singapore airlines to europe last year and their inflight entertainment is pretty damn good. because we flew out in april and came back in may they had changed their movies over (beginning of every month) so we got different movies on teh way back. they have the screens in the back of the...
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    Heelllpppp Me!!

    whats the essay on and for which subject?
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    For a food to be considered kosher, if it is a land mammal, it must chew its cud (like how cows spit their food back up and rechew it) and for fish it must have scales and fins. Non-fish seafood is not permitted. It also has to be slaughtered according to the rules of kosher, where all the blood...
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    Assistance required

    and technically its the 14th week of year 12 since it started last year...
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    Best+Worst of Teacher Quotes and Habits

    My english teacher has a bizarre habit of talking like cartman from south park. just in the middle of a sentence she'll start talking like cartman, or muttering to herself about how we're ''breaking her balls''. and shes not young either...she's nearly retirement age.
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    I think it depends on where you come from and how long youve been here, due to the nature of our government. i became a citizen last year, after living here for 6 years and i think it took about 4 months for our application to go through. i think it also depends on when the next lot of...
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    What's on your Year 12 Jersey?

    we dont have any real restrictions on ours...nothing inappropriate, but we dont have a letter/character limit - last year a guy got undercover brother, it went halfway across his chest it was so long. we were going to ahve the big 07on teh back, but the principal said nooooooooo. im getting...
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    anyone else doing distance ed?

    Italian by distance ed....its like trying to teach myself. so painful. but im getting have to have really good contact with your teacher to get far it think, especially in things like languages where the key concepts are super important for language structures and stuff..
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    Roses and Valentine's Day

    I think roses are too cliched and completely overrated, i mean, if you get a flower on valentines day then its maybe you should go for something different, away from the whole flower thing. I reckon if youre going to give a girl something, put some actual thought into it and try and...
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    Blade Runner and the book

    i wouldnt read the book as it could get a little confusing and you might start referring to bits that are in the book and not the film and lose the point of the whole thing, which is a film study not a study of the novel
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    Modern History Studying Tips

    Re: How do you study for MH? our teacher gives us basically all the information we need either in notes or handouts or whatever, and tells us what is important and what isnt, what we definitely need to know, and what will be good extra info and its up to us to learn it. i study by making study...
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    exercise books vs loose leaf?

    Loose leaf all the way! But i have a couple of exercise books for revision for maths or pre-exam study.
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    Internet Explorer 7

    i like IE7... the tabs mean that i dont have to have a million windows open at once when im doing a million things at once cos i can just have them in the tabs. makes sense to me.