*I think someone already answered this, but your trials are just like another assessment, usually worth 40%-ish I'd say.
*I agree though that marks and ranks are equally important. If you are in a really strong cohort and are averaging 90+ but ranked 15/100, then this can't be equated to...
Nah, I don't trust teachers that much when they predict how well certain people will do in certain subjects.Obviously, your teachers and assessments marks will give you a rough indication of how you are going, but ultimately, the HSC external exams are the most heavily weighted assessements of...
When will you people get it into your heads thats there is no way a UAI can be predicted so early on and with so limited information?
I think you really need to concentrate on improving English exponentially if you want over 90 though.
Ohh. That's mean.
But basically yes, you have lots of work to do.
What can I say, there's no secret to boosting your marks suddenly and it will only be achieved through hard work and commitment. Furthermore, sadly, not everyone has the academic aptitude to achieve a UAI of 98+, so all I can...
Studying until 2am is by no measure an indicator of productive study, but rather, implies to me you crammed and subsequently failed.
Study consistantly. Don't leave it until 2am. Revise on a weekly basis, dedicating an 1hr a week to each of your subjects, and more were assessments are imminent.
Actually it is.
This obssession with anthropological global warming is ridiculous. I am not convined at all by any of the pseudo-scientific evidence to support this supposition. Sorry, sensationed photographs of polar bears gripping onto floating glacial fragments isn't really fooling me...
Oh yeah. I forgot
Otehr things to consider with reliability include accuracy, bias and whether it is opinion based or factual.
In terms of accuracy, this can be determined by consulting additional sources, such as teh otehr one(s) you given in teh exam. Do tehy support or contradict...
Reliabilty: Can you trust the source?
Reliability is determined my factors such as:
*Perspective: Whose it it? It is objective or subjective?
*Language: Is it factual or emotive/melodramatic?
*Language then shapes the tone. Of you have emotive language this creates a opinion based tone...
Oh Jerseys.
Ok well, basically, our year adviser is a bitch, because she hates our year. Apparently we're "the most ill-mannered, low achieving bunch the school has ever seen" So obviously, she didn't want to waste to much time or money on us and relishes in making life as difficult as...
I think what your teacher was implying is that your essay should never be a mere summary of the various critical readings of a text, as your own personal engagement with the text is paramount. However, I don't think there's any harm in alluding to various critical intepretations to support...
Are you doing Individual and Society for Ext 1 eng? Pride and Prejudice, North and South and Dolls House? Dolls House is good btw. Its fast paced but has substance.
*Catch up on maths HW + general revision.
*Read King Lear
*Read critical reading on King Lear
*Write prac essay on King Lear
*Do journeys essay to reinforce concepts.
*Revise Modern History: WW1 + Germany.
*Write syllabus notes for PDHPE
*Do Legal HSC papers
*Revide core of Crime for Legal...
Pssh. Joke. As if anyone can tell from such limited information. Your UAI will be determined by a vast array of factors, including what subjects you do, the quality of your cohort, the difficulty of your assessments, your performance in the external exams, the performance of the...
Basically, the way i would go about it is have a common, broad philosophical thesis for journeys, and relate both texts to the thesis. Obviously, there can be contrasting, as you can compare how your core text + related reflects your thesis. Hope that helps. It probably sounds a bit waffly.