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  1. leehuan

    MATH2621 Higher Complex Analysis

    This isn't actually a question I got from the course but I'm not sure if it can be done via 4U techniques so I decided to leave it here. I know intuitively why it works but I'm curious as to the proper proof of it \text{Suppose that }0+0i\notin S,\text{ where }\\ S=\{z \in \mathbb{C} : |z -...
  2. leehuan

    UNSW chit chat thread

    Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2017 The latter two are for sure. If your decimal point is not .0 you can infer if INFS has gone in.
  3. leehuan

    S1 2017 Exam results waiting/discussion thread (MQ)

    Because some people need GPA. Not that it's necessarily the best way to fish for GPA. But it works.
  4. leehuan

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    The WAM that you had earlier involved 9 courses. Referring to a post InteGrand made earlier, a .45454545 decimal place is only possible when 11 courses have been submitted in. This is because if you multiply .45454545 by 11, you get a number that's approximately equal to an integer. Which makes...
  5. leehuan

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    Well it depends on how many courses you've already done prior to 2017 s1.
  6. leehuan

    MATH2621 Higher Complex Analysis

    \text{For }z=x+iy \text{ find the image of }x+y=4\text{ under the mapping }w=z^{-1}
  7. leehuan

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    Why not? Reasons as aoc said. It's all available on the business school website.
  8. leehuan

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    Yeah but that's Britz lmao The deans list is for performance over a year. Not a semester.
  9. leehuan

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    No lol why would they be bothered to do that
  10. leehuan

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    Can confirm
  11. leehuan

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    Because I've compared with several of my peers already. And mreditor told me for some reason the finance dept is just slow with this stuff. I've been quite agitated over the fact that FINS can't mark as fast as MATH can. But in all honesty, they got the quiz 3 marks out AFTER the finals were...
  12. leehuan

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    Honestly not even 1613 is in
  13. leehuan

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    Now aim for HD, because second sem math is friendlier
  14. leehuan

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    2601 certainly got scaled lmao
  15. leehuan

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    MATH is currently being logged in now I believe
  16. leehuan

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    Good. I'm getting impatient as hell. Can't say I didn't try to.
  17. leehuan

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    I'm not sure how it works at MQ, but at UNSW whole number marks is the norm and an effort will be made to round marks up where necessary. This may be different at MQ due to the use of the GPA and a focus on whether or not you got HDs/DNs/CRs instead of a number, but you should keep this into...
  18. leehuan

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    As RoT explains it may not be fully revised but if you go back a page I think we have some evidence that ECON1203 has been entered.
  19. leehuan

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    Um, yes, it is impossible. Because the A in WAM stands for average. The average of 3 courses has a decimal value of .333 or .667, not .25, .5, .75
  20. leehuan

    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    It's for all the courses that have been entered so far