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  1. T

    Multiple Choice Solutions

    Nope. It is $15 above the world price. This is a diagram of the domestic market. Hence, it is the difference between supply and demand that accounts for the tariff.
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    Done every 4u paper

    idk about you guys, but when you do a bunch of 4u past papers, you come across a 3u paper and you feel like you can just breeze through it. However, as is the case for me, there is less margin for error in 3u, which in some ways may actually make it harder than 4u (unless you are aiming for...
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    Done every 4u paper

    hovering around the 73 raw for yesterdays paper, anyone give me an aligned mark estimate?
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    Complex Number question help!!

    Nah I think I might be wrong. Lets let Z = X + iY therefor Z + 1 = X+1 + iY yeah yeah yeah I see my mistake now. so RHS^2 will equal 4sin squared of inverse tan of y/x+1 now sin squared can be re-written as cos squared + tan squared thus tan^2 of the inverse tan of y/x+1 all...
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    Complex Number question help!!

    2B RHS = 2sin(tan^-1(Y/X-1) RHS^2 = 4sin^2(tan^-1(Y/X-1) = 4 ( tan^2(tan^-1(Y/X-1)) * cos^2(tan^-1(Y/X-1))) = 4((Y/X-1)^2 )* (1/1+(Y/X-1)^2))
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    Done every 4u paper

    Does anyone have 2014 North Sydney Boys extension 2 trial solutions? edit: found them
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    Done every 4u paper

    I only do question 13, 14, 15 in the new system or 5, 6, 7 in the old. I am fairly certain of the marks I will get in the first few questions, and positive of the mark I will get in the last question.
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    Done every 4u paper

    This is a fair point. Given the amount of questions in a 4u paper that are prove questions. Is it possible that someone could be marking themselves 80 and actually be getting 60?
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    Done every 4u paper

    I was also under this impression. I am more thinking though, if the e4 cut-off is - as they say - around 65, then there are 35 'marks' between 90 and 100 HSC mark. Thus, does a 70 raw mark even traverse 90 to 91?
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    Done every 4u paper

    As low as 65? If I got an average of 73% for the past ten years HSC with a very low standard deviation, what HSC mark am I looking at?
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    Done every 4u paper

    People have said this to me. Is this legit? Does doing them a second time actually have value?
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    Done every 4u paper

    So the implication of this is that no one writes trials that are harder than the HSC?
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    Done every 4u paper

    Are you implying that in this final week, studying economics, chemistry or 3 unit maths would generate a greater return on investment than 4u?
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    Done every 4u paper

    very helpful, doing James Ruse 2014 now. I completely understand that this is a borderline ridiculous question, but does anyone have any idea as to the approximate % mark I should be getting in the above trials to guarantee an e4 level. ^I put guarantee in to facilitate guesses that are...
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    Done every 4u paper

    Done every extension 2 HSC paper. I am happy to do other schools trials, however I do not want to waste time on trials that are easier than the HSC. What do you people recommend?
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    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2

    My memorised essay already contained a significant amount of material from the extract.
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    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2

    module c question was so good. Hamlet question was so good. TiT question was generic.
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    Section 1 - Stimulus

    Yeah I thought about this as well when I saw it. It is perfectly fine, I just don't think that paradox is a formal technique.
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    Section 1 - Stimulus

    It was also annoying that the specified one related text of your own choosing I had an essay prepared with one of my teachers choosing lol.
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    Section 1 - Stimulus

    I found that this section 1 was more technique driven that it has been in the past. Explain how... how does... explore how... analyse how... How do composers do anything? through use of form and technique.