depends on the degree, depends on how good your lecturers and tutors are, depends on what marks you're aiming for. so many variables.
but on average, 3 hours per unit imo. (weekly) i aim for D averages.
iirc buss1040 replaces the need to study econ1001+econ1002 (macro) for ca/cpa, but check with the CA/CPA accreditation requirements to be sure - not what some usyd person says.
nb: this is assuming you're a bcom student, not a beco.
go to parties and bars and shit and get out of your comfort zone. you'll learn to adapt to social settings and be mroe comfortable around other people.
but in the meantime..
if you want to work in an office = data entry
if you want to work outdoors = construction/labourer
you still have a...
uws, uts, usyd, macq, unsw none of it matters once you get that job and work in the industry for 10 + yrs. anybody that tells you otherwise is fooling themselves or has never worked in the industry.
im currently at usyd because it's close to home but i'm thinking of changing next semester or...
i started working 40 hour weeks. gonna start studying at uni part time but not attend lectures - just tutes.
depending on how things go i might increase it to 3 next sem.
thanks so much for the reply seremify :)
i was also thinking of getting my foot in the door by starting off in an accounts assistant/accounts clerk position (to get into financial accounting/tax advisory/auditing), but would this be a bad idea? it appears so from your post but i could be...
a friend of a friend of mine graduated bcom double majoring in acc + finance with HD average but has yet to find a job because he has no work experience (and possibly aiming too high).. but another friend that has completed 1st year of bcom at sydney uni has found an admin job.
do people...
doubt it.. i can't even view semester 1 subjects on blackboard.
and no i think not.
EDIT: I'm selling my HD quality CLAW1001 (Foundations of Business Law) notes for usyd. If you're thinking about majoring in accounting or studying CONTRACT LAW at any uni, these will be highly useful.
Here's a...