there's a $6 kebab shop on the way to usyd from redfern stn. i haven't tried it though.
i'm thinking about bringing bread and cheese slices to uni. learnt that from my accounting teachers haha.
try wolstenholme study centre @ merewether building or the economics and business building's computer labs/outdoor benches.
wolstenholme has nice big tables to study on but there are definitely less people at e&b.
oh no, i had two asian girls for accounting. i vaguely remember hearing that the usual pass facilitator for my accounting PASS is samantha. i'm not 100% sure though haha
yeah buss1900.. 6 hours gooood. 'This unit is only available to students identified as needing additional support.' <- i...
yeah it was about referencing and answering a small question about one of the sources from week 1. i managed to write over a page but that doesn't necessarily mean that i'll pass haha. i heard 30 out of 1000 people passed last year. i hope the remedial classes don't start at 8am..
lol, is that because of the amount of readings you have to do? a few first year law students told me that they had to do 80 pages of readings in the first week.
pass (peer assisted study sessions) is basically a 1 hr group study session. they're run by D/HD students from the business faculty...
ugh had buss1001 exam today. ughhhhhh asdkjasdakldsjgj;s
went to another pass session. pretty standard stuff with the icebreaker time wasting. i did icebreakers in 3 passes already so i was like nope, ceebs.
reading through my introductory law book gives me the impression that the author is trying to flaunt his seemingly infinite lexicon rather than trying achieve the purpose of creating a textbook, i.e. to relay information (preferably with layman terms).
fuuuuuuuuuuuu the convolution! (and it's...
had a buss1040 lecture at 9am and buss1001 tut shortly afterwards. pretty disappointing tut.. hopefully the rest are better. buss1040 was quite interesting where pablo was discussing the effects of forgoing best alternatives leading to opp. costs, ppc/ppfs and GDPs. the opportunity cost for...
lmfao you're in almost all of my lectures. let's get 2gether and make out <3?
on a serious note what did you do on tues? there was a 4hr gap between claw and accounting.
LOL corrupt one. yeah,I remember that hahah I think we might be in the same streams. 2 for claw and 3 for accounting.
giuseppe = only reason I'm going to bother coming on mondays and tues.
yeah, lame jokes from abdul aside, accounting is significantly better than buss1001. I had BUSS1001...
1. isn't it revitalisation* and hub*?
2. take out the according to at the beginning. after opera house, there should be a comma
3. at their* textbooks
I haven't really learnt referencing yet so I can't help you there sorry.
had claw1OO1 and buss1O3O (accounting) today. claw was amazing as usual. BUSS on the other hand was pretty boring + I was pretty annoyed by wallace theatre's inclined tables.
Just say hi to people closest to you. If they smile and seem receptive, engage in small talk and ask them what they have next. You're most likely going to just end up making acquaintances in lectures unless they have another class with you later on in the day. Try harder in tutes(lol) since...
Did anyone lose their timetable because of BUSS1030?
I have the option of either an 8am start or an 8om finish.. is it dangerous to walk to Redfern at 8pm?
Both options are pretty crap, 5 hour break for the 8am start and a 4 hour break for the 8pm finish.
P.S is there a way I can check the...