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  1. V

    Loss of motivation

    lol you'll probably get a hd for accounting then?
  2. V

    Loss of motivation

    arghhh how can people NOT like accounting? :( this deeply saddens me.
  3. V

    Transferring to UNSW commerce

    nah i was just pulling your leg bro ;)
  4. V

    Transferring to UNSW commerce

    just got off the phone with a course coordinator and it looks like i'm transferring from usyd to unsw next week. thanks dude.
  5. V

    Can eating healthy make you super smart?

    fudge. gained like 10 kgs since i started uni. guess i gotta lose dat cellulite.
  6. V

    Transferring to UNSW commerce

    ^ yea that's what I was thinking.. are you talking about an asian guy from ultimo tafe? i transferred to usyd from tafe as well but not ultimo haha. I wonder how many people transferred from tafe to usyd.. & yep, I'm studying claw1001! it's so time consuming.. I'm hoping we don't get anything...
  7. V


    do you guys just learn about general journal, ledger, trial bals + 10 col worksheets and balance day adjustments? does unsw cover gst in acct1501?
  8. V

    Transferring to UNSW commerce

    somehow I doubt that..
  9. V

    Harvard referencing

    thanks guys, love this forum:)
  10. V

    Harvard referencing

    If you're using the same source over and over again in your essay, do you still include the author's last name and year or can you just write the author's last name? e.g. Wibrow (2012) notes that blah blah blah.. .... ... ... Wibrow also comments that blah blah .. .. .. .. Wibrow concludes...
  11. V

    UWS to MACQ/UTS (IT)

    uni's dont look at atar when receiving uac apps from uni students. just try to get credit average and you should be good.
  12. V


    yeah, microeconomics. last week's quiz covered a bit of equations that weren't in the book. there seems to be no info on equations + derivatives in the book.. which is why i'm finding eco a bit hard.
  13. V


    am i the only person that thinks they're gonna barely pass this sub? major drop in confidence levels after the 2nd quiz. killing buss1001 and buss1030 though (and maaaaaaaaybe claw but dunno yet lol).
  14. V

    Semester 1 USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: USYD FORUMS ARE DYING OMGZ! It's probably because of the upcoming midsems.
  15. V

    How do you become a tutor?

    Wow, I didn't realise it was that hard to become a tutor (considering I have a pretty bad tutor for one of my subs). Thanks for the info guys!
  16. V

    How do you become a tutor?

    Does anyone know if it's possible for second years to become tutors, or perhaps even first years (that are in second sem of course :)) Also, do you need a D/HD average in all of your units of study or JUST the unit you want to tute for? e.g. If I want to become a BUSS1030 (introductory...
  17. V

    ANU to USYD Commerce

    i talked to an anu kid a few weeks ago.. a credit average should guarantee entry to usyd.
  18. V

    Commerce on Mid year admissions?

    not for usyd (or new south for that matter).
  19. V

    Semester 1 USYD Chatter Thread

    Woohoo, I won't be attending the remedial classes for buss1001! Uni has been great so far! I've met a ton of awesome people and I love buss1030 because that's the only class I get to bludge in haha. Glad I put usyd as my first uac preference :) Now.. on to reading my 22 pages of claw readings D:
  20. V

    Withdraw from UTS to Macquarie uni

    Yeah Macquarie offers roughly 1 yr of credit for Diploma (Accounting) and 1.5 years for AdvDip. I hear its BCom course is much more rigorous than UTS though. <awaits flaming from UTSers>