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  1. V

    Anyone do Advance Accounting Diploma at Ultimo

    I'm not sure about subjects because I heard the no. of subjects required for an advanced diploma has now changed. You rarely get assignments at TAFE. Only subjects like law, financial management/risk, system design and business planning issued assignments. Usually you get 2 (sometimes 3...
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    Difference between courses

    Are you talking about macq uni? I heard BCom - Accounting is being replaced by Prof. Accounting.
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    What can I do in this situation?

    I think my P won't be changed but yeah, thanks guys. It just feels really crap to get a mark of 50 when I know an international student that can't even write grammatically correct sentences and he gets a mark close to D by the same tutor? haha. Since that assignment (and the accounting exam)...
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    unsw vs. usyd for commerce

    usyd if you want to study an insane amount of hours and still get a mediocre grade.
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    How do you keep up with the readings?

    thanks guys, much appreciated!!
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    How do you keep up with the readings?

    I'd say close to 100 given the small font used in law books. Sometimes the course reader for another subject has 2 pages in one A4 page.
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    How do you keep up with the readings?

    I'm about 150+ pages behind in total. Any tips? It takes me about 5 minuets to read a page (on average). It seems like it's impossible to keep up with the required readings.
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    How to become a university lecturer?

    I heard you have to make a 90,000 word thesis for PHD. I was interested in becoming a lecturer before I heard about that.
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    Mathematics bridging course

    From what I recall, the bridging course only teaches the bare essentials of maths required for uni students e.g. first derivatives, second derivatives, functions, circular functions etc. I'm not trying to come off as a pessimist but I don't think it'd be sufficient as a substitute for prelim maths.
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    What can I do in this situation?

    Yeah I was provided with comments but I disagree with some of them, especially: Criterion 3: Effective synthesis and use of relevant quality research: F I've received a reply from my tutor so I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens now..
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    What can I do in this situation?

    BUSS1001 understanding business
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    What can I do in this situation?

    Hey guys, I recently submitted an assessment that involved summarising a component of an introductory commerce subject and I only received 50 marks. Not to make myself seem proud/arrogant but I would like to think that my work was worth much more than a P. Probably a C or perhaps even D. I've...
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    why do so many people hate hsc english?

    LIES. hsc english is so useful after school. the skills you derive from hsc english can be used at uni, work, life in general and beyond! nah jokes hsc english is pretty pointless :P
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    What factors led you to study at past/current university?

    i chose usyd because of travel distance. was going to choose macq over usyd but it took twice as long to get to macq.
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    wanna have a faith

    I'd suggest churches that believe in the trinity- e.g. presbyterian, full gospel, baptist, espiscopal. My reason for going was similar to yours (plus I felt depressed about life in general), I went to a presbyterian church. At first it seemed weird that people were singing and worshipping, but...
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    p-pe-per-PERDISCO :(

    Would it possibly be: Dr. Wages Payable 7429 Dr. Wage Expense 5409 Cr. Bank 12838 p.s. wasn't the 7429 amount really an accrued expense(liability)?
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    Transferring to UNSW commerce

    lottery syndicates - it relates to intention. the main authority for it is simpkins v pays. nope, it's not related to agency. thanks :) i'm at blt 4.
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    Transferring to UNSW commerce

    HAHA it's not really hard but there's a lot of work i guess? i'm doing that as well. I guess i'm making things hard for myself because I'm also using another book and combining all the info from cases and summarising them as principles. i'm also using other sections of law, e.g. s 52 of the...
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    Transferring to UNSW commerce

    yeahhhhhhh but the lecture was just on the midsem tho. midsems gonna be hell. IPAAC on offer, acceptance, etc etc. have you studied conditional acceptance? got all your cases ready? literally took me a few whole daaaaaaays to summarise the course.