E.g. resisted motion question with jac and fucken gil.
Integrating motion, started the partial fractions and got halfway and thought "nah this won't ever work"
Looking back, I fucking regret stopping.
Did anybody else get halfway and just stop because it looked wrong?!
And if it...
Guys this was the cartesian form of the locus of z
I fuckeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it
What kind of formulas you talking about? The only Circle Geo formula I know is the tangent chord thing PA² = PBxPC thing which you can assume unless otherwise stated
And binomial, are you talking about the general term formula? the greatest term formula? Usually you need to derive the greatest...
Maths Extension 2 = The full 3 Hours, including quite a few Qs being missed, most concentrated on Q7-8
Maths Extension 1 = 1 Hour 25 Minutes but spending the last minutes doing maybe 2-4 questions skipped previously, so all up maybe 1 hour 40.