Press Shift then find the a button which says Pol in yellow (for natural calculators) and just press the top right button Pol( for older SVPAM calculators.
On the screen you'll get Pol( and just enter your x and y values (with a comma in between) from x+iy to get your modulus and argument i.e...
Zhiying, nothing big, but your y² = f(x) curve example is slightly wrong. When you have a double root like the example you use, the shape is continuous:
But props for you, good notes
I'm doing Chemistry, Mathematics 3U and helping in 4U (I don't know it well enough to fully tutor a course).
I'm keeping all the stuff I know "fresh" in my mind because knowledge is valuable
Look at a question, if it doesn't come to me or I don't have a practical attempt in solving the problem, I skip it within 5-15 seconds to come back to it later.
Really focusing on Q1-6, aiming for above 95% of the questions correct, and Q7-8 I will attempt but not get bogged down If I leave...
M is the mid point of Q and R so z(w+con[w])/2 and a complex number + it's conjugate = 2Re(w) therefore midpoint is z(2Re(w))/2 = zcos(2pi/3) which can be evaluated as -z/2
And the reason it's 1/2(Q+R) is because like having (x1,y1) (x2,y2) on a cartesian plane, complex numbers represent these...
Hate: All forms of probability, particularly combinatorial probability and roots of unity problems
Favourite: Mechanics (incl. circular motion), Conics, Volumes and geometrical interpretations of complex numbers
Pretty good, that English is letting you down a bit though. But you beasted Chemistry + reasonable mark in 3U. I'm thinking a 95-97
But I'm shit at this guesstimating crap.
I used Spirited Away, worked extremely well with this year's and last year's Q (identity and place).
Works very well with a text like Dickinson's poetry (and I guess Skrzynecki), if you can create a contrast between a text which embraces the two and one that rejects it.
Studying for the HSC
Getting a job, getting a new camera lens, a new phone, a new haircut, going to Singapore, Macau, Hong Kong and Shantou, finally getting my Ps, finally having the time to go and take 'someone' out.
I'd be happy with:
Paper 1:
Section I = 11/15
Section II = 13/15
Section III = 13/15
Paper 2:
Section I = 17/20
Section II = 13/20
Section III = 14/20
I'd be ecstatic if I can grab those few extra marks in P1S1 and P2S3.
But if I can replicate close to what I got in for sure.