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  1. rawrence

    Error in Fitzpatrick and worked solutions?

    So I was doing a volumes question and I didn't get the right answer (from the textbook) so I checked this guy's full worked solutions and he got the same answer: What I don't understand is the line from 2pi [5x³/3 - x^4/4 etc.....] and subbing in 4 gives it 4³/3... is this a subbing in...
  2. rawrence

    Answer this for me

    ohmagad completely forgot physics
  3. rawrence

    Belonging Related Texts

    Do different forms, you want to show the marker you can deconstruct various types of forms, having 2 poems will just seem like you're only good with deconstructing poems and you're staying away from a wider range of texts
  4. rawrence

    Titration help

    LOL why thank you, sigh
  5. rawrence

    Harder 2 unit where can i find them?

    Just find a past paper and do relevant questions
  6. rawrence

    how to stop making stupid mistakes

    Practise, Practise, Practise, do past papers and get familiar with questions, I guarantee you it will help Rule of thumb is: focus on your weaknesses before the test, focus on your strengths during the test
  7. rawrence

    Complex locus question

    Oh. The locus of w. That's actually a very simple question then, you subbed in x+iy in your first line of working as z but that's finding locus of z, to find w, just set the condition Re(w)=0 therefore x=0 is the locus. That's only a 1 marker in tests anyway, I got confused in my test with...
  8. rawrence

    Complex locus question

    \\\text { Just to make things clear, I've latexed the solution }\\\\w = \frac{z}{z+2}\\\text{let }z=x+iy\\w=\frac{x+iy}{(x+2)+iy}\\w=\frac{(x+iy)(x+2-iy)}{(x+2)^2+y^2}\\w=\frac{x^2+2x+iyx+2iy-iyx+y^2}{(x+2)^2 +y^2}\\w=\frac{x^2+y^2+2x+(2y)i}{(x+2)^2+y^2}\\\text{If w is purely imaginary, then }...
  9. rawrence

    Edison vs Westinghouse

    The syllabus is stupid like that
  10. rawrence

    Titration help

    Your teacher is incorrect, dilute water is used and must be used to rinse the flask
  11. rawrence

    HSC Mathematics Marathon

    Correct! And yes, I have done it, my school's putting everything except mechanics and probability from harder 3 unit D :
  12. rawrence

    HSC Mathematics Marathon

    \\a)\text{ Given that }I_n = \int_{0}^{1} (1-x^2)^n\text{ show that }I_n = \frac{2n}{2n+1}I_{n-1} \\\\b)\text{ Hence, show that }I_n = \frac{2^{2n}(n!)^2}{(2n+1)!}
  13. rawrence

    Edison vs Westinghouse

    Yep, that's basically what you need, make sure you do say why he killed the animals and people (i.e. scare people about how dangerous AC was) Bit of fun trivia, Edison actually called electrocuting people/animals "getting westinghoused" haha.
  14. rawrence

    Best 3U maths textbook for year 11

    I have coroneos 4 unit textbooks and they have very good questions/explanations but when I was in year 11 and saw a coroneos book it scared me. And it might just be the font but that font looks so intimidating. Also, some of the stuff goes into too much detail
  15. rawrence

    Best 3U maths textbook for year 11

    Fitzpatrick will do you well, very good explanations. I find Coroneos really intimidating to read cause it's so old LOL
  16. rawrence

    HSC Mathematics Marathon

    Oh, I see thanks, haven't done conics like this before
  17. rawrence

    Tips on these topics:

    The only way you're going to get better is to beef up on the past papers. Grab any one of those Qs from past HSC, if you don't get it, refer to solutions, find a similar one and try do it again. If you still don't get it, try youtubing help, reading textbooks or if you have a tutor, ask them...
  18. rawrence

    HSC Mathematics Marathon

    Could you do it and show that? : S
  19. rawrence

    HSC Mathematics Marathon

    Oh man that's heavy algebra. I get up to an expression like: \frac{PX}{PY} = \frac{b}{a}\sqrt{\frac{\frac{b^4}{a^2sec^2\beta}+sin^2\beta}{cos^2\beta + \frac{a^4}{b^2cosec^2\beta}}} Is that even looking right so far?
  20. rawrence

    Umat prep medentry

    I would actually, but I need to confirm date, give me a day? PM email or something