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  1. primalchaos3

    I Hate University

    which degree/s are these gangas in? LOL im curious
  2. primalchaos3

    I was RIDICULOUSLY lost during a fins lecture lol

    thats a pretty sick idea. maybe the shadowdude guy or kaz1 guy can organise it cos ever since i joined ive always seen there names. hope they actually go to unsw lol. yes.
  3. primalchaos3

    I Hate University

    I'm also finding uni actually worse than school atm Think cos i have less friends there, travels a bitch and the money to make the bitch happy is gay, (most) lecturers talk too fast and i end up not understanding stuff but i think i will learn to over time, dont get forced to study/do homework...
  4. primalchaos3

    I was RIDICULOUSLY lost during a fins lecture lol

    WTF... if you can remember your second lecture from last year then obviously you have a wicked brain or at least a wicked memory. therefore your 'easy' is not the same as mine :(. lol whats an annuity formula? and i remember the accrual perspective thingo. i didn't even get a grasp on what...
  5. primalchaos3

    Music club?

    lol yeah i was just trolling. troll win. sweet lol yeah i can imagine that. ah that sucks. i wish i could be as organised/eagertostudy as you type of people though.
  6. primalchaos3

    Music club?

    i know where it is!!! we can arrange a time to meet and if you pay me some $$$ ill let you know where it is :D probs $10 ono. btw how good are you at piano @shadowdude? :P and what types of pieces/songs do you play?
  7. primalchaos3

    I was RIDICULOUSLY lost during a fins lecture lol

    Wow thanks man! i will defs be needing some extra help :) people also sound like they are helpful at uni. (dont know if they actually are yet because they just 'said' they can help). LOL yeah that guy! IMO he talks like everyone is as advanced as himself. but then again like other people are...
  8. primalchaos3

    I was RIDICULOUSLY lost during a fins lecture lol

    Aiite thanks guys! I'll stick to it and do my best then. (eventhough im on hecs i still cant not think about the money thatll be lost if i DO fail) What I've noticed with finance especially is i try to get my head around something but then something new based on that is suddenly being taught...
  9. primalchaos3

    I was RIDICULOUSLY lost during a fins lecture lol

    Hey guys i had my second FINS1613 lecture today. To sum everything up. I was mega mindfkd - i could barely keep up with what was going on. the american lecturer guy talks pretty fast and i found it extremely hard to keep up with new concepts/definitions and even newer stuff which were built on...
  10. primalchaos3

    UNSW Subject Reviews.

    Just briefly, what type of maths is done (if you remember)? Would you have to have done like 3/4 unit maths in hsc? :/ I'm just average at maths and am tossing up whether to swap the subject or not..................... fml
  11. primalchaos3

    Do you believe in God?

    ^ yeahhhh heaps increds. juz wondering do you believe in God? ooft just realised theres so many non religious peeps/atheists on this forum
  12. primalchaos3

    Do you believe in God?

    I DOOO :)
  13. primalchaos3

    UNSW Subject Reviews.

    Yo peeps im doing fins1613. The first lec was okay but already it seems like the maths is going to be hard. how hard is it really? there are alot of conflicting views about the difficulty of its maths. also i'd rather do more memorising like in fins1612 (APPARENTLY). and if i were to swap, just...
  14. primalchaos3

    General Thoughts: Science

    I told you don't talk like that. You full up yourself man. Just don't. But yeah the science paper once again im just telling you's so easyyy. Band 6! No band 6 = cry...
  15. primalchaos3

    General Thoughts: Science

    Left an hour early! LOL waste of time... and im too excited for modernwarfare 3 :)
  16. primalchaos3

    That Australian kid arrested in Bali

    yep! so true Lol Amen. I too hated him even more when he did that gangsta sign shit on news... Haha why the fuck would you want to make yourself look more like a badass? seemed like he enjoyed the attention at that point so yep, dumbshit even for a 14 year old. imo his parents are to blame...
  17. primalchaos3

    USYD vs UNSW!

    anyone know if Macquarie > UTS? seemed so when i went to the open days of the two. UTS looks alot more fun though lol. just wondering incase i cant get into USYD or UNSW... Hmmm yeah will do. Still going to be a really tough decision though!
  18. primalchaos3

    How to: State Rank (and Honour Roll discussion)

    AHHH thankyou. cleared pretty much everything up :)
  19. primalchaos3

    USYD vs UNSW!

    unbias post. very niiice! haha wow. but WHY (basically why) did your preference change? That is the question.