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  1. fayeee

    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    i heard that year 12 chemistry gets better.. but, no joke, the majority of the grade got below 50% for chem i think lol so yeah no more chem for meee =]
  2. fayeee

    What subjects are you thinking of dropping next yr?

    definitely dropping chemistry. :] MIGHT pick up 4U maths =D yay, can't wait to get rid of chem
  3. fayeee

    So now that exams are practically over..

    i cant wait for foodtech!!!! =D and i'm kinda scared about chemistry
  4. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Computing Skills

    Pen and paper computer finished =D yayay it was pretty good. everyone finished an hour early so everyone slept lol YEAH .. a few database & spreadsheet questions screwed me over.. but SC's over! yeew!
  5. fayeee

    So now that exams are practically over..

    they dont offer standard english at our school :/
  6. fayeee

    So now that exams are practically over..

    bring on senior school XD the period where all the 'secret studiers' come out nd everyone's like PHWWWOAR! haha. what subjects are you all doing? i've yet to find someone who's doing foodtech for HSC..
  7. fayeee

    Hardest test was?

    you didn't have to do math?
  8. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    i put 180 but i was't sure either LOL
  9. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    omgsh you're doing geography? interesting ummm i put distribution of food =S lol, what did you put?
  10. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    don't you refer to land rights struggle including the wik and mabo case and stuff? and that work stoppage thing LOL gah .. x.X
  11. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Mathematics

    haha, i completely forgot what the last question was about. what was it?
  12. fayeee

    Hardest test was?

    Hmm.. hopefully. I have this sinking feeling that I screwed up multiple choice everywhere. GAHHHHH ... but its over now :D so screw that. when do results come back?
  13. fayeee

    Hardest test was?

    i'm so mixed come to think of it :/ i hope they mark heaps easy...
  14. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    HAHA yeah history was good =] geo, i'm seriously expecting shit low. "human rights is very good." mhm, sure is.
  15. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Mathematics

    Yeah I put that too
  16. fayeee

    Hardest test was?

    Science, maybe. Easiest was maths