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  1. fayeee


    nah it doesnt XD haha
  2. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Mathematics

    Oh dear.
  3. fayeee


    LOL our superviser gets heaps annoyed though And she stands right in front of me -.-
  4. fayeee


    haha don't you just like yank it and rip it off?
  5. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Science

    I had exactly that too! There was a similar question in a past paper not so thorough, but i'm pretty sure the weight arrow is pointing down
  6. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Mathematics

    shit, LOL
  7. fayeee


    were we supposed to draw pictures for the life cycle one? x.X
  8. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Mathematics

    WTH LOL. I drew a line. and stuff.
  9. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Mathematics

    Yeah right! the depoist was like .. $2400? And then you minus taht from .. whatever that thing was. And then do the rest? If it's not that's a bunch of marks + all the silly mistakes I made lost .. gah x.X
  10. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    Lol hopefully My friend said that criteria marking is super easy so.. let's hope it is ... haha
  11. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Mathematics

    OH maths was alright. Don't want to jinx it though. I thought I did well in the trials but i screwed them so bad.. You know the deposit one? LOL, run me through what you guys did.. (with all of it) I think I might've gotten abit confuzzled.
  12. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    YEAH history ftw :D Geo? hum. issues.. hmm what were the geographical processes? I wrote about air quality, and how it's contaminated, and how we can stop it.. and stuff. Oh my. (is that right?) Fieldwork is just like, what would you do! make it up~ oh yeah.. ~ LOL Aspect was the direction...
  13. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Mathematics

    I said she lost money cos she did right? but my explanation was dodgy LOL what buce thing? HAHA completely forgotten most questions.. oh damn, I don't remember the last question either. oh dear
  14. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    Re: SC 2007 - History/Geography Yup, I put aid too
  15. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    Re: SC 2007 - History/Geography History was good :] (I hope LOL) Yeah, I got mixed up between two of the selections, but overall long response was good. GEO OMFG. I completely bullshitted Human Rights. Yeah yeah, it was the only one I didn't bother to study for. Sigh. Silly me ><
  16. fayeee

    SC 2007 - Science

    combustion or decompoistion?
  17. fayeee

    So, how did everyone find English and Science?

    yeah aye! i had a couple of questions where i was tossing between one or the other
  18. fayeee

    So, how did everyone find English and Science?

    Hmm.. English was okay.. My story.. i dunno LOL. And science.. heaps of people said it was hard, but it was okay..? GAH WHO KNOWS X_X
  19. fayeee

    Chemistry--- 1 day to go= desperation kicking in

    an alkali is a base [isn't it?]
  20. fayeee

    Sc Tmrw!

    Omg Kerrie Hello Xd