Where do the ranks come into play? Because I was ranked second in a subject, yet got a higher exam mark than my mate who was ranked first... Shouldn't he automatically get that higher mark?
Is that through their Global Leadership Program? A friend of mine said that you could accept it, but it would only occur (officially) if you put it as your first preference during the UAC rounds - meaning that if you put say UTS first, it would make the Macq offer redundant. Now I'm not too sure...
There's no harm in including both, and the HDI could honestly be summed up in a few sentences. Using the 'Better Life Index' would be a good way to distinguish yourself from others; yet make sure you explain it well as opposed to the HDI because it is (the HDI) so well known. However, you need...
Don't go into Year 11 with the mindset of dropping a subject. I thought I would drop MX1 - ended up ranking 3rd. You never know what may happen. Also, if you do have the mindset of dropping that subject you will more than likely put in less effort as you know it "won't count".
I kept 12 units...
Of course it's fine to have days off. I would never see myself being able to study everyday. Your body and mind need some down time. Go out, play sport, partake in your hobbies. Even if it's only a 'partial-day' per week as dan said; it is fine. Personally, I just had breaks if I felt I wasn't...
Incorporating the Themes and Challenges is essentially linking the content with a concept. You've more than likely already got the knowledge, it's just a matter of you yourself sitting down and arranging each piece of content to a theme and challenge.
What we did in class was assign each of...
Check out the recent 5 Year Plan, that is likely to have some policies. Otherwise the standard Open Door Policy would suffice with the impact today being the establishment of TNCs etc etc
Re: 2016 HSC Economics marathon
There are a whole list of factors which can be found in the Dixon textbook if you have it. In terms of finance, think of it as investment. In order for an economy to expand its productive capacity (i.e. its PPF), FDI is required. Consequently, if an economy...
This can come down to young offenders and adults being given the same rights, however young offenders are given greater protection. Unfortunately we can't do your essay for you, but I'd recommend looking into this.
Personally, I'd look at the whole Youth Justice Scheme (warnings, cautions...
You would mostly look at FTAs as being exclusive. For example, ChAFTA between Australia and China is only between the two economies (bilateral), thus excluding other nations. However multilateral FTAs such as the TPP (which possibly could be defined as a trading bloc) isn't to the exclusion of...