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  1. spatula232

    General Thoughts: Physics

    I'm sig-ing this
  2. spatula232

    Craziest/random/wierd things that you have seen happen at school?

    In year 8, some kid cut a wire that was exposed from the wall. Cue massive flash and bang. To this day, he still hasn't got those scissors back. Good times
  3. spatula232

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    Yeh same. Found velocity in the x and y component and tan the crap out of it
  4. spatula232

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    I got cot13 and cot15 in the 3D trig Q. THERE'S NO COT ON THE BLOODY CALCULATOR!! HOW CAN I POSSIBLY DO THAT?!?
  5. spatula232

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    As if you wouldn't show it anyway?
  6. spatula232

    HSC Physics MC Thread

    Believe the answer is B. Check your right hand palm rule again. Your thumb should be pointing upwards, with your fingers curling around in the anti-clockwise direction; making a south pole at the bottom of the solenoid
  7. spatula232


    Re: OFFICIAL PHYSICS HSC 2015 Prophecies!!!!! --> FROM A NOSTRADAMUS DESCENDANT!!!!!! This only holds true until a certain point. Intensity is purely the number of photons, yet there is a limit to the number of electrons that can be emitted. As a result, increasing intensity led to increasing...
  8. spatula232

    Economics, Maths and PDHPE Textbooks and Notes

    For real? That is worth at least $70 then bro. The signature alone guarantees .95
  9. spatula232

    HSC Physics Marathon 2013-2015 Archive

    re: HSC Physics Marathon Archive That no two observers can agree on the simultaneity of events...?
  10. spatula232

    A collection of HSC Advice: What *not* to do

    Don't simply blame your teacher if you think they aren't good because in the end it comes don't to you and the effort you put in to succeed
  11. spatula232

    What would you like to see on BOS?

    Add a Subject Advice sub forum in the Yr 9 & 10 section -- Heaps of people post about it and it was actually the main reason I joined bos -- if it already exists and I'm blind or whatever ignore this :)
  12. spatula232

    Year 11 Subject Selection Advice/Revision

    Not sure how it works over in WA, but here it doesn't matter what HSC courses you do for the majority of uni courses. Some require you to have studied a particular level of maths or whatnot, but this is normally 'assumed knowledge' now rather than a 'prerequisite'. If you are worried, check out...
  13. spatula232


    Re: OFFICIAL PHYSICS HSC 2015 Prophecies!!!!! --> FROM A NOSTRADAMUS DESCENDANT!!!!!! For Q2Q, 4 marker on neutron scattering in the 2014 HSC paper... Doubt it'll be asked again, hopefully
  14. spatula232

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    Don't know if coincidental
  15. spatula232

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    D) Self defence is not a partial defence -- I think
  16. spatula232

    HSC Physics Marathon 2013-2015 Archive

    re: HSC Physics Marathon Archive What's the purpose of the dry ice in a Wilson Cloud Chamber?
  17. spatula232

    Section I: Multiple Choice

  18. spatula232

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    This is one strange scenario bro