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  1. spatula232

    Band 6 in English

    Do you really think state rankers only get Band 6s?
  2. spatula232

    Band 6 in English

    Reading over my Mod B essay I use 'thus' in every paragraph... Make sure you don't do this lol
  3. spatula232

    Need Help With Essay Question Please

    This might help in regards to budgetary decisions: -- Make links to how it impacts expenditure and revenue, as well as which aspects of the economy; e.g. Pension reforms amending inequality etc. Also check out the...
  4. spatula232

    Can't decide what to drop!!!

    Huh? IB previously?
  5. spatula232

    Absorbtion spectra

    I'd assume it would be able to jump to the 'highest' energy band possible with that energy, then emit it all when it drops back.
  6. spatula232

    What do I do with my UAC PIN?

    Pretty sure the info came in the letter... I haven't done it yet though so I wouldn't know
  7. spatula232

    Exam Technique

    Personally, I used to try and finish the exam, especially Maths, and be able to go over all the questions again, redoing them if time allowed. However, in trials I found that I gave myself very little time, maybe 10 minutes to spare (other than English where I worked on questions until time) in...
  8. spatula232

    Projectile Motion MC

    awesome thanks
  9. spatula232

    Projectile Motion MC

    From 2002 JR Trial: During a visit to the moon an astronaut throws a rock vertically and it reaches 20m. Acceleration due to gravity on moon is 1.6m.s^-2. What is the speed it is thrown at? a) 25.3m/s b) 62.6m/s c) 640m/s d) 3920m/s For some reason I kept getting 8m/s...
  10. spatula232

    best movie endings?

  11. spatula232

    best movie endings?

    defz transformers dark of the moon - optimus flying lyk he dont giv no sheet
  12. spatula232

    all school duxs have a guarenteed position in sydney uni

    Yeah, even if your ATAR is below the cut-off you are guaranteed a spot
  13. spatula232

    Am I allowed to drop a 2u and pick another up?

    Maybe senior science tho?
  14. spatula232

    MX1 Locus

    Awesome thanks
  15. spatula232

    MX1 Locus

    x^2 = 2a(y-4a) Should that be 4a or 2a [and therefore change make it x^2=4a(y/2 - 2a)], or does it not matter? Apologies, I wasn't very clear
  16. spatula232

    MX1 Locus

    Was asked to find the locus of the midpoint, found it to be x^2=2a(y-4a) The answers said it was a parabola with Vertex at (0,4a) Doesn't it have to be in the form x^2=4ay? Or would I just leave it as is? Thanks, Spatula
  17. spatula232

    Your subject regrets

    Doing 1u religion instead of 2u...
  18. spatula232

    2015 CSSA Paper Thoughts

    Re: 2015 CSSA Paper Thougts Yeah pretty solid paper. I put TAFE as the answer, bit of a sketchy question. Overall pretty happy
  19. spatula232

    CSSA Physics Trial Thoughts

    idk that screwed me over too. It's to do with the last dot point of relativity. What did get for the first part of it?
  20. spatula232

    Real vs Nominal

    Also, is the base year always the original or is it the one before the year you're finding?