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  1. spatula232

    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon Wouldn't regulations achieve that as well? It is still requiring a change in business processes, which could in itself lead to innovation... There's still a need for innovation there. As for the question, I'm not 100% sure. I'd probably go down the lines of...
  2. spatula232

    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon Anyone got any ideas where I can find the % of manufacturing exports from 2000-1? Probs just not looking hard enough but any help would be great :)
  3. spatula232

    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon The sass is real It's not part of the syllabus; explicitly at least
  4. spatula232

    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon MER, increase AS, decreased inflationary pressures
  5. spatula232

    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon So Competition Policy is just generally boosting competition in the economy right?
  6. spatula232

    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon Explain the purpose and impact of WorkChoices on the Australian economy 4
  7. spatula232

    MC calculation questions.

    Is 18 A? --> I found the simple multiplier to be 5 as MPC = 1/5. Then divided 100 as that was the total impact on the economy to get 20... I have no idea for the second one at all.
  8. spatula232

    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon Explain the purpose of the competition policy and describe its impact on the Australian economy. 4
  9. spatula232

    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon That makes sense - the lower the rate of tax, the more potential income to be earned, thus incentive to work harder. Increases then in govt. revenue.
  10. spatula232

    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon Discuss the rationale behind microeconomic policy. 4 Marks
  11. spatula232

    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon - Expansionary monetary policy -- as of May 2015, historically low interest rates of 2%. AD = C+I+G+(X-M) --> expansionary monetary policy aims to increase consumption and investment through the ability to borrower at a lower rate of interest, increasing AD and...
  12. spatula232

    Do not know what to write for this question.

    I'd go down the path of slavery, use the Slavery Convention (1926) UN and maybe UDHR or something along the lines of that. Just select your particular right (which you said) and include 2 documents which promote this. Identify and Explain for 8 Marks is a bit iffy though, I'd assume that it'd...
  13. spatula232

    HSC 2015 Economics Marathon

    Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon I'd include discussion of externalities. Negative you could include the likes of pollution in overproduction of electricity compared to positive externalities such as health care or any good that is underproduced since it has a higher private cost without...
  14. spatula232

    Who Writes the Legal Studie's Exams

    I feel like custody is more so in regards to being arrested. Yet remand is 'more correct' for this scenario since that is the time held prior to/during a trial and sentencing
  15. spatula232

    Peacekeeping Missions

    Hi all, Does anyone by any chance have a good example of the effectiveness/ineffectiveness of UN Peacekeeping missions? Thanks
  16. spatula232

    I want a free lunch

    So yesterday our math teacher said if we could solve this, he'd buy us lunch... How many solutions to: a+b+c+d=6 Where a, b, c and d are positive integers (can be 0), and the same number can be repeated (i.e. a, b, c and d could all equal 1)
  17. spatula232

    Housing affordability SYDNEY

    It'll pop eventually. As long as there is demand for housing though, it'll keep going. Demand and supply at its finest
  18. spatula232

    Sketching in Pencil

    Don't do it in the HSC? I NEVER sketch/graph/draw anything in pen. Should I be?
  19. spatula232

    "revise in a month HSC"

    I'm sure past papers will work too
  20. spatula232

    Can someone please explain the standard model of matter?

    According to the diagram we got given in class, a meson comes under the hadrons, which is under the branch of fermions. Yet a fermion has half-integer spin, whereas mesons have 0 or whole integer spin. How then can a meson be a fermion? According to hyper physics (which I read briefly), a meson...