Do you prefer a game to have a riveting campaign or addictive multiplayer? Do you decide on your game on whether it has a captivating single player quest, or a solid multiplayer you can duke it out on with your friends?
IMO, as an only child I have always placed more priority on the...
Screwed up my half-yearly whic hwas my first assessment for 4 unit quite badly. Is it possible to make a comeback? Have any of you screwed up your first assessment and come back to be ranked first at the end of the year?
IMO some of the greatest injustices in gaming are that these games sold so poorly:
Metroid Prime 2 (not poorly, but less than it deserved)
f(x)= (x^2-1)(2-x)
How would you draw the composite function, inverse sin of f(x). Instructios are helpful but a post of the curve drawn would be even better.
Thanks in advance!
Please if anyone has got Okami on Wii, can you sell it to me? I've been looking around for it in desperation, but it's not available in any stores at the moment. Help! Please PM. Thanks in advance.
I would like to get fully worked solutions to Maths Ext 2 S.K Patel 2nd Edition and Cambridge Ext 1 Year 12 (the latest one). Can someone please post on this thread if they have access to these fully worked solutions (especially helpful for the Extension problems in Cambridge) or at least guide...
I'm planning to take the following subjects in Year 12 and want to know if overall they scale well:
Extension 1+2 Mathematics (accelerant so will finish in Year 11 so there will be enough space in timetable to fit the rest)
Extension 1+2 English
Modern History+History...