Search results

  1. smartalec

    classmates on final results?

    hey was just wondering what effect your classmates will have on your final results, if they do pretty average. I.E. my mate recieved a mark of 98% in senior science, whilst the average of the 40 odd students in his cohort recieved an average of 65%. if this was continuous, how much would his...
  2. smartalec

    advanced english related texts?

    any ideas for related texts for skrzynecki for advanced students? I already have a novel, so does anyone have any unqiue/sophisticated ideas for say, picture books, art, short stories etc? for ex- hsc students: what did you guys use?
  3. smartalec

    ahmad shah idil's biology notes?

    so the resources section is gone. anyone have them? they are amazing in explaining in a short method, complex concepts. if so, could you please upload them? i already have the maintaining a balance one. thank youuu :)
  4. smartalec

    raw marks vs scaled marks?

    probably a s tupid question, but in a students hsc results, say they got an 85 in biology, was there raw marks more likely to be <85 or >85 ? i know it probably depends on the subject, but is it generally higher or lower ?
  5. smartalec

    i knowww~ your really sick of them but...

    i need 81.75 to get into the course i want. my subjects and ranks are: biology - 8th/40 hospitality - 3rd/38 CAFS - 1/40 General Maths - 4/104 advanced english - 15/39 studies of religion - 16/49 do you think i am capable since my subjects arent the best in scaling...especially hospitality...
  6. smartalec

    is hospitality really THAT bad in scaling?

    my best friend is not aiming for 99 +. and shes worried that hospitality is REALLY going to drop down her ATAR even if she does well in it (i.e 80-85 + ? ) if its THAT bad she can drop hospo and keep 2 unit SOR (a requirement if doing advanced at my school) - giving her 10 units. how much...
  7. smartalec

    surface area for mitochondria.

    is the internals of the mitochondria have an increased or decreased surface area? why. like. in terms of a diagram with intestine looking things squished into a sac, its surface area is increased.
  8. smartalec

    making up answers in the IRP?

    has anyone ever, and succeeded in just making up answers for surveys/interviews etc?
  9. smartalec

    deconstructing a text for advanced?

    any examples i could have a look at? any helpful guides?
  10. smartalec


    hi, so yeah. im coming first in cafs and really enjoy it. however, what career options would it be beneficial for?
  11. smartalec

    A New Course

    I have been thinking. There should be a new course in between general mathematics and mathematics. like an intermediate mathematics. does anyone agree? I mean, a LOT of people failed their mathematic test last term and the course rather than getting easier, is said to be getting harder...
  12. smartalec

    concepts of journey?

    hi, i was just wondering. what is the difference between a concept and an aspect of journey.
  13. smartalec

    CAFS Group Question

    What groups does Dr Fred Hollows and/or Dr Charlie Teo belong to?
  14. smartalec

    physical journey text : My sisters keeper?

    could i possibly use this text for physical journey?
  15. smartalec

    resource management questions ??

    ok a few questions. 1) is education a need or a want. is your favourite sport a need or want. 2) (an activity we had to do) choose 10 items or qualities that will help sustain wellbeing.
  16. smartalec

    Books for Year 11?

    Anyone just using notebooks for next year - or has anyone used them in the past? Whats the difference between them and folders anyway? I find that gluing sheets in will prevent a build up of random sheets !
  17. smartalec

    Really Stupid/Simple Question about units?

    hey guys i decided to do advanced instead of standard english. which is of course 2 units. however, at my school it is compulsory to do religion and I am doing studies of religion 1 which is 1 unit. I am doing: biology (2 units) cafs (2 units) hospitality (2 units) general maths (2...
  18. smartalec

    Advanced English?

    Is an 84 in the school certificate exam a good enough grade to do Advanced?
  19. smartalec

    Post your sc results here

    whoops put into wrong section before. so yeah. post your results and your impressions.
  20. smartalec

    Post your sc results here

    i realize that a majority of the state get them back on thursday but if you have already received them post your results here! the other thread wasnt going to well. lol.