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  1. smartalec

    Should I do Advanced English?

    Right now, I'm doing standard english. This is because it was the only course I was invited to. However, I'm pretty sure my school may have made a mistake. My friend was invited into Advanced english and I have gotten better marks than her every time. Here are my rankings/marks etc: (We were...
  2. smartalec

    Easiest and hardest SC exam??

    computer skills was probably the easiest for me, but thats probably coz we all got different questions and i couldn't compare answers with people much lol! the hardest would have to be maths. i hate the short answers so much. the 2008 short answer for maths was great, particularly because it...
  3. smartalec

    school certificate resultss?

    i was wondering if you were able to obtain results for sc before they were distributed at graduations and stuff? thanks