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  1. G

    Parra vs. Doggies

    Sooo, who we going for tonight? :drink:
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    Does playing hard to get really pay off?

    I mean, for me ive noticed that YES in many cases keeping a guy at arms length draws them closer... Do guys prefer girls play hard to get? Girls whats your 'success rate' if i may call it that, when you play hard to get? Any stories? :idea: Discuss.
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    "In real life, as opposed to novels, it's the worst women get the best men"

    Reading a novel and came across this quote, which i think holds some weight in reality, so discuss.
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    What is love ?

    So, here is where we try to define what love means to us? Like the word is so over-used these days and there can be used in so many contexts, like 'hows it going luv? ' or 'i love you' etc etc :angel:So what does love mean to YOU? :angel: For me the word 'love' in the romantic sense is...
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    How many potentials do you have?

    Soo BOSers, how many potential bf/gf/s.o. do you have/are you speaking to? I mean it doesnt have to be anything too serious/definate, but who do you think would be a possible s.o. at some stage? Also if your bothered, give us a brief description of them or why you think they would be a...
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    Wisdom Teeth

    Who has gotten their wisdom teeth and did yu get them removed? My left gum is pretty saw and i think i feel it coming through. I was talking to girls at school and they all got them taken out. Soo, BOSers... ?
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    Whats 'hot' for you?

    FreshOffTheBoat you inspired me to make this thread :p lol. So BOSers what defines 'hot' for you in the other sex? These can be physical and personal traits.
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    Engagement Party!

    What to wear? Its at a wedding reception...very very formal i think. Im thinking white floor length dress with a nice lil green diamonties design on the top front *over chest* and at the back towards the bottom of the dress. What do yu think ? Too formal? Okay? PS: not an 'Aussie'...
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    What would you do if...

    Out of friend asked me this the other day and i thought it'd be a gud topic for discussion. :o :kiss:What would you do if your fiance had sex with some lowie on his bucks night/ or *for the guys* if your fiance had sex with the stripper or something on her girls night out...
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    Gordon Wood Case [Mitigating Features]

    Were there any mitigating features...are mitgating features possible when someone pleads not guilty? Isnt it only for when they do plead guilty? Any info... opinions etc etc that could help with a case study? Plz.
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    Norton picking up the following threats.

    <TABLE class=threatDetails cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=detailLabel vAlign=top noWrap>Threat Name: </TD><TD class=detailDetail vAlign=top>W97M.Thus.A </TD></TR><TR><TD class=detailLabel vAlign=top noWrap>Location: </TD><TD class=detailDetail...
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    What are yu giving up for lent/if anything?

    What are yu giving up for lent? Or what would yu give up if yu were doing Lent?
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    Be My Valentine.

    :o Well basically i'm burning that i don't have a Valentine this year *nor did i last year or the years before :shy: *. Its so annoying seeing all the adds and adverstiements for Valentines day knowing that i dont have one. So heres the purpose for this thread: We *all the valentine-less...
  14. G

    What are you wearing?

    I thought this thread would be interesting *if enough ppl participate*. Because i've heard that what you wear in a way tells people something about you? Regardless; So what are you wearing at the moment? Me. I am in sesame street boxer shorts and a plain grey singlet top. WBU?
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    Diamond on the tooth. Hot or not?

    So, Is it hot or not, to have a diamond on your tooth? I am currently very vaguely considering it, but wanted to see what the consensus thought.
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    How to tell/show/hint to a guy you like him.

    How does someone show/tell/hint to a guy that you like him? I know eye-contact might be a way? Or smiles, but i need a bit more than that to go on. Circumstances i am currently in: He is older than me, we've known eachother for a few months and have been out quite a few times. I think i'm...
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    So... who here *guys and girls* finds intelligence attractive? I know good/average looking guys that are intelligent, and this for me makes them more attractive. Anyone else in the same boat or am i just the exception? *sigh*
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    Comic? Dramatic? Political? ... etc etc :sun: I'm aiming for something comic!
  19. G

    "I'd kill her its simple!"

    Okay, so we were watching something on honour killings, and i noe. they dont really happen in the Western world, but there have been some cases. Anyways, this reporter asks the guy "what wud u do if ur wife cheated on you?" He replies :uhhuh:"I'd kill her its simple!" I WAS LIKE WTF?? :O...
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    Conflicting Perspectives Speech

    Any idea how to lay out a speech for c.p. :cry: when, mind u, we hevnt gotten a qn, merely the instruction to analyse?? I noe. i need a thesis etc but in which order??? ohh and also, am i allowed to say "Today i will be exploring the...." because im not sure whether im allowed to use the word...