Search results

  1. G

    Wud u prefer a virgin or some1 experienced?

    Mainly to the guys...but girls feel free to ans aswell. Okay so for like long term sorta serious relationships, which wud u prefer? I noe for some guys its like a cultural thing and they want virgins and virgins only! lol so discuss...wats ur preference??
  2. G

    Sexy Bitch Remix (Moey z)

    This remix seems to be the hot topic lately! lol :P has any1 heard it?? If so, wat'do ya think?
  3. G


    Looks GREAT! I wanna c it so badly! Anyone else like this sorta thing???
  4. G

    Whats the specific feature that you love??

    :shy: For me... i LOVE a guy's jaw! Omgosh i love guys wif nice, defined, strong jaws! :O Soo pplz wat is it about the opp. sex that gets u?? Whats the one feature u love? And dw if they sound sad! lmao i love guy's!? haha So yeh... go ahead... :D
  5. G

    Is it true? Cause i heard that...

    Hey pplz, i heard today at school that peoples who are on centrelink get extra bonus atar/uai points? Is that true! :O If it fair ! I want bonus points :bomb:
  6. G

    University Open days, anyone?

    :sun:UTS, Notre Dame & USYD open days are this saturday (29/8/09) and UWS is on Sunday! Anyone going???:confused:
  7. G

    Do GUYS really want the truth?

    Just wondering, do guys really want to know the truth when it comes to a girl's bfs etc etc or would u prefer not to know??? Some of u might be thinking that this is a stupid question, but i want to get some more persepective on the issue because only the other night i heard froma...
  8. G

    Related texts for Journey!

    Any ideas? must have an aural component (i.e. film, documentary, television program, song, radio segment, podcast) however i am more comfortable analyising a movie! ANy ideas wud be gr8! thanx in advance!
  9. G

    Is it just me or...

    does anyone else totally not understand trigonometric identities??? I have an exam 2moz, n need help...does any one have any good sites that can help me or anything??? thanx in advance!
  10. G

    Swine Virus

    Some say it could end up being worse than SARS! A possible global epidemic, does this thought scare anyone else? Any comments? I hope it doesnt hit Australia! ideas? MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Governments around the world rushed on Sunday to check the spread of a new type of swine flu...
  11. G

    Memorising an essay! tips?

    Hi, plz help!!:) I have 2 memorise an essay in 2 nights, any ideas?? i've recorded myself reading my essay on my phone and am listening to it atm! Any tips or ideas that might help me memorise it!!! thnx. in advance :)
  12. G

    Josef Fritzl sentenced to life

    A JURY has ordered Josef Fritzl detained for life for treating his daughter as a sex slave during a 24-year orgy of depravity in which he fathered seven children. Josef Fritzl sentenced to life in psychiatric facility | PerthNow I think he's an old creep and he deserves what he got!:burn...
  13. G

    'Prophet carpet' goes for $5.5m

    The Pearl Carpet was created in the late 1860s A carpet that was commissioned in India 150 years ago to decorate the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad in Medina has sold for nearly $5.5m at an auction in Doha. Bidding was expected to start at about $5m but the starting price was brought down...
  14. G

    for the GUYS! wat do you look for in a girl?

    GUYS, wat are the qualities and features you look for in a girl/prefer to have in a girl? :confused: 1) smart? or intellectual equal? 2) virgin? 3) loud? or quite? 4) outgoing? 5) good girl? bad girl? Also feel free 2 add preferable nationalities (as mean as it may b) Girls feel free...
  15. G

    Martial Arts! Anyone?

    :)Hey there! Just wondering ANYone doing any form of martial arts? :ninja:kung-fu? Karate? :karate: tae-kwon doe etc.???
  16. G

    Future Plans (UAI/Uni/Tafe/Job)

    :)What UAI do u want/aim for? If u get it wat will u do? Any goals or things u really want 2 do b4 ur 30??? Basically where does evry1 see/aim 2 see themselves in 5-10 years time..(if all goes well that is!) ??? Married? Divorced? Studying still? Kids? working? centrelink (jokes):haha...
  17. G

    FREE Workshops at Parramatta Library

    Hey pplz... therez a free essay writing lecture thing on Saurday the 28th at Parramatta library 11-2pm. Lunch provided!:D bookings essential library's # 9806-5159 Theres a legal studies workshop on Wednesday 12th March 6-7pm. Same thing...bookings essential! Also i noe its a little early but...
  18. G

    Open Day?

    Hey does anyone know when the Maquarie Uni open day is? :DThanx in advance:D
  19. G

    The Combination

    Hey every1... hmm just bored n wondering wat every1 thinks about "The Combination" Apparently tickets are like gonna go really fast on Thursday cause every1 is going in the morning 2 watch it... n heaps of pplz r gonna jig just 2 go watch it! :) Just wondering wat u all think?
  20. G


    I'v always found conspiracy theories very interesting and i was wondering if anyone knows any conspiraces worth sharing? Like aliens, Area 51 and all that?? Wat about those people who have mysteriously gone 'missing'?? I just find it all so cool.... btw. has any1 heard of how on the 21st of...