Search results

  1. lpodnano

    Polynomials help please =)

    If (x-5)(x-3)=(x-4)(x-2)-A(x-4)-B(x-5) is an identity in x, find the values A and B. Find the values A,B and C if x(squared) ≡ A(x+1)(x+2)+B(x+2)(x+3)+C(x+3)(x+1). Show working out please =) And thanks in advance.
  2. lpodnano

    Horrible at Competitions.

    I'm horrible at competitions e.g math, science, english. I can never choose the right answer even though i have a 1/4 or 1/5 chance of getting it right. The highest I've ever gotten is a credit (i know, i'm stupid). Anyways, our science teacher says these competitions are an indication of our...
  3. lpodnano

    Tell Us About Your Phone.

    I was bored, and thought I'd make this for those who are looking for a quick, brief overview about certain phones people have and if they should buy it etc,etc,etc. My phone: Samsung Omnia Rate: 8/10 Complicated but has reasonable good specs. Windows mobile is hard for the average sized finger.
  4. lpodnano

    Favourite Fringe

    Which? Side, Full, None, wispy? etc? I'm thinking of getting a full one. I currently have a side one. I don't think I could live without a fringe to be honest.
  5. lpodnano

    The Maury Show

    Random video on youtube. It has a lot of delusional troubled teens. It is sad, but it's funny. These disturbed teens who've been caught having sex on her mum's bed 3 times. :eek:
  6. lpodnano

    RACI Chemistry Quiz

    I'm doing it for the first time, and I was wondering if it's hard? My friends did it in year 9 and they were completely loss. Any tips and what did you get?
  7. lpodnano

    ADSL internet.

    My house no longer has an active landline phone service because we have no use for it and we use mobile phones on cap plans instead. I am currently using a 3g broadband USB stick and the speed is dismal. I wanted to switch to ADSL. Do you need an active phone line to get DSL service? What...
  8. lpodnano

    HDMI cable.

    I have this TV that used to work fine with component cables but then I installed a HDMI cable and only two channels work. I reinstalled the component cables and it stuffed up. Any suggestions?
  9. lpodnano


    I've installed POINTUI in hopes of improving my Omnia's performance, and I have been disappointed. I don't like it and I want to install it but I can't. I have the Samsung i900. Can anyone tell me how to install it. I've searched heaps through google and have found nothing. I'm also not very...
  10. lpodnano

    How much harder is Prelim from year 10?

    Our teachers say it's 5 times harder. I want to hear a second opinion. Also, do any of you procrastinate more than study in this year?
  11. lpodnano

    Rankings and Subject Selection.

    After the half yearlies, what are your rankings and which subjects are you choosing? Mine are: Math - 2/168 Science- 1/168 English- 2/168 History- 1/168 Geography- 6/168 (I absolutely despise that subject) PASS- 5/168 FoodTech- 2/168 PDHPE- 2/168 My subjects are leaning towards the science and...
  12. lpodnano

    How many km do you run and how often a week?

    I try to run about 5km a day for 4 days. Now since it's holidays I'm trying to bump it up 1km every session. How about you?
  13. lpodnano

    Can anyone tell me the geography syllabus?

    I tried looking for it but all i get is years 7-10. I just need year 10. Can someone just give me a brief overview on what to study. Thanks in advance.
  14. lpodnano

    Would choosing English Ext and Math Ext be demanding in prelim?

    I want to know whether English Ext and Math Ext are going to be a strain if I'm also doing 3 sciences? Btw. If I do ext english I'm going to drop it in year 12 and take on 4unit.
  15. lpodnano

    How much are regular uni fees opposed to full-fees?

    I just found any sub forum to put this in. Anyway, how much are uni fees? And how much do full fee paying students have to pay? Just out of morbid curiosity
  16. lpodnano

    Who is afraid they won't get their subjects?

    Okay, so at my school we have lines (i think every school has lines) where we choose from the selection and we have to pick all 7 lines (besides the tafe on i think) anyways, they subjects are lined up and I am afraid a lot of my subjects will be in the same line. Anyone have any uncertainties...
  17. lpodnano

    How do you feel when you get your school report?

    Well how do you feel? Or how do you feel after your parents have picked it up or read it? Do you always know you are going to do great?:mad1: Do you get nervous at what some teacher writes? How do your parents react? I feel all jittery when receiving my report. When my parents read it, my dad...
  18. lpodnano

    Links on BOS FAQ aren't working.

    I went on there to change my avatar and it doesn't load. It says "failure to connect"
  19. lpodnano

    How much water do you drink a day?

    How much water ALONE do you drink a day? ( No it doesn't include tea, coffee, fruit etc etc etc) I drink about 1.5L > you?;)
  20. lpodnano

    Your top 3.

    Top 3 favourite Books: 1st-Memoirs of a Geisha- Arthur Golden 2nd-The Constant Princess- Phillipa Gregory 3rd- The Lady and the Unicorn by Tracy Chevalier Top 3 favourite Genres: 1st- Historical Fiction (preferably modern) 2nd- Crime Fiction 3rd- Fantasy Top 3 Series: 1st- The Stephanie Plum...