What's your fave sims so far?
Sims 1
Sims 2
Sims 3
I like sims 2 better than sims 3 but that may be because I have all the expansion packs. I was so excited about Sims 3 but this sort of made me disappointed when I played the game even though it was pretty good.
I think Taken Out was the most stupidest show I have ever seen. It was a tad sad to see those who got no votes. Anyways... dumbest show you can think of?
I think I have some kind of mental disorder where I love to eat and can't seem to stop. I LOVE EATING. But I do my best to exercise to avoid weight gain. Who doesn't enjoy the occasional crashing in the kitchen hunting for food?:haha:
In my opinion, year 10 is great. It's almost exactly the same as year 9. I'm doing alright in my assessments and it's fun :rofl: I just can't wait to drop geography. :wave:What are you thoughts about year 10?
Undergraduate Bachelor of Education and Arts at Sydney university. What are they? My friend wants to know if she needs at least 2 unit of math because she hates math. She wants to be a secondary history/english teacher btw.
Okay its math. Signpost 5.1-5.3. I wrote all the questions I can't figure out when studying in the holidays.
Exercise 5:02 Question 13. (Its graphs and i cant be bothered drawing the graphs and scanning it so I'll just give the necessary information. Please provide necessary working out.
13. The...
My subject selection is in early July (yes it's a long way away). I want to know what is involved in the subjects:
Modern History
I'm undecided on the first three subjects and I'd like to know what is involved. I'm doing 13 units in preliminary and dropping...
Your region- west, north south of sydney,nsw ???
Your type of school - private, public, selective
What your school's average mark was?
Your average mark.
If your school was below rank of 300 or top 200 or wateva?
What was your aim?
Just a few randoms questions :)
My school is ranked 414th last year. If i do my hsc is it possible for me to get uai over 95? Would my uai move down because of everyone else?
Would the teachers also play a part in everyone's uai's? Their teaching skills? I am thinking of moving to a higher ranked school. Or sefton? in year 11...