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    [First Lesson Free] 2/3/4U Mathematics, Physics. [Hills Area]

    **FREE FIRST LESSON** 2/3/4U Mathematics, Physics. [Hills Area] "The results of the tutor do not necessarily correspond to high results for the student, but rather, the ability to communicate the information effectively, encouragement, teaching methods, displaying your initative to help does"...
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    Predictions for HSC Physics 2009.

    So does anyone have any predictions for tomorrow's exam? I heard rumours that there's a chance of a 5 marker on transistors.
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    2009 CSSA paper upload cram please

    Does anyone have the CSSA 09 chem paper? If so, could you please upload it? I lost my copy in my house :(. An attachment early morning would be nice haha. Thanks.
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    Disadvantages for Iodine-131 and Americium-241

    Does anybody know any disadvantages for these 2 radioisotopes? Thanks.
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    Physics m/c help.

    I need help with the multiple choice questions I got wrong attached. If you guys could do the following, that'd be nice: 1. Guide me as to which dotpoint each question relates to. 2. An explanation on why my answer is wrong or why is the boardofstudies answer correct. I'm so bad at...
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    MX1 raw for band 6.

    What's the approx. raw mark needed for a band 6 in mx1? Are there any stats for separate years? Thanks in advance.
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    Language, visual and random definitions help.

    Can anyone provide me with good definitions for the following language & visual techniques? Mainly effects and any examples would be nice too. Thanks! (I will rep you :D) Language techniques: Formal language Informal language Dramatic irony Undercutting Impersonal use Racist undertone Visual...
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    Chemistry and physics - raw needed for band 6.

    What are the "approximate" raw marks needed to score a band 6 in both Chem and Phys?
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    Chemistry HSC extended responses.

    Are there any resources that focus purely on the extended response questions and the syllabus dotpoints that consists of "assess" and "evaluate"? Does anyone have a list they could post up of these dotpoints and possible extended response questions asked? Thanks.
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    Physics HSC extended responses.

    Are there any resources that focus purely on the extended response questions and the syllabus dotpoints that consists of "assess" and "evaluate"? Does anyone have a list they could post up? Thanks.
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    Vectors in complex numbers.

    Do they occasionally pop up? (e.g. addition of vectors, subtraction of vectors, multiplication of vectors). What style of questions do they ask on these? For locus problems e.g. locus of z being a circle, perpendicular bisector etc, I usually substitute x+iy and algebraically solve. Does...
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    The complex number system (differences between rational, integer, natural etc).

    So what are the differences between: 1. Real numbers. 2. Rational numbers. 3. Integers. 4. Natural numbers. 5. Irrational numbers. They seem to be common in Induction questions. Thanks.
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    UNSW email.

    Did anyone else receive an email from UNSW (Gordon Rees) on "points to remind us on about MBBS?". Also do you think it would be a hint/foreshadow as to "you did well in UMAT" possibly? Otherwise they wouldn't ask for your application haha :haha:.
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    Uws mbbs.

    For those who received offers into UWS in the past, what was your ATAR and UMAT like combined?And for the people who transferred *cough* wooz ;), how were you going with uni? What was your GPA, ATAR & UMAT.Thanks.
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    B Business & Commerce/B Laws or B Economics/B Laws.

    So...what's either degree like? :). Is the workload really intense? Provide all of your biases/views against the degree etc. And where do you plan to go once you graduate with this double degree? Thanks.
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    B Actuarial Studies/B Laws & B Commerce/B Laws

    For those who are currently undertaking/undertook either degree, what is it like? Is the workload a lot? Stressful? Is uni life great? And where do you plan on heading with this degree once you've graduated? Thanks.
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    B Medsci/B Laws at UTS

    For those who are undertaking the degree, what's it like? For me, I see it as a back up if I don't enjoy the double degree (transfer into grad. med at USYD via. medsci). All opinions are appreciated! Thanks in advance.
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    Quanta to quarks question & the overall HSC

    - Discuss the limitations of the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom. - Analyse secondary information to identify the difficulties with the Rutherford-Bohr model, including its inability to completely explain: - The spectra of larger atoms. - The relative intensity of spectral lines. - The existence...
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    STAT Roll Call - Late Exam.

    Roll call! Sign up if you are sitting for the STAT later this year. Discuss the STAT so we can all keep up to date with dates, times, locations and results :)
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    90th+ percentile in UMAT.

    What sort of raw marks (S1: /44, S2: /36 S3: /30) would one need to obtain a scaled UMAT percentile of 90? I know it varies, but any sort of idea will do :). If you've done the UMAT before and got around there or even higher, what raw marks do you think you got? Thanks.