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    Chemistry Practical Equipment

    Hey guys :p. Can anyone name me all of those practical equipment with the corresponding number to each? My chemistry tutor just randomly gives me the sheet saying 'Just have a go at that' with all these other bunch of sheets and I look at it and I'm like 'BLAH'. Thanks.
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    Year 11 Equipment/Resources

    Hey all :wave: . For the Year 11 Preliminaries, what sort of equipment have past year 11 students, or current year 11 students are going to purchase? Well these are the items I have currently purchased: 5 A4 Spirax Notebooks, for English Advanced, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Economics. 2...
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    Acceleration of HSC subjects

    Hey there. I would like to know how the acceleration of HSC subjects works. I tried finding a link on the boardofstudies with the details and information for it, but there was nothing for the students. I know in many selective schools and in private schools, they already offer the acceleration...
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    Homogenous, Heterogenous question

    Hi there. I have looked through the year 11 preliminary syllabus and read through each dot point. When I started reading my Conquering Chemistry textbook, the first chapter was 'The Chemical Earth', which according to the syllabus is in correct order. Then came notes on homogenous (uniform...
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    HSC Success Seminar

    Is anyone going to the HSC Success Seminar at Y Conference Centre/Y Hyde Park Hotel at the Sydney CBD? I've booked my session for the 4th of January, but there have been earlier sessions occurring before christmas. Or has anyone actually attended the seminar already? If you have attended...
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    The new English 2008 syllabus

    Hey. For us HSC 09'ers, there will be a new syllabus in place for english. For the new english syllabus: 1. What is the title of the new topic? Before, it was imaginative journeys, but what is it now? I heard it was going to be either Power or Belonging. 2. What type of preliminary...
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    Does school affect your UAI?

    Does going to a certain type of school affect your UAI? In what ways would it affect your UAI mark? Well I go to a non-selective/non-private school and I'm wondering if it actually does affect your UAI such as getting scaled down etc. Or is it mainly effort and hard work? I've heard some public...
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    The Official Techno/Dance/Trance/House/Club Thread

    The Offficial Techno/Dance/Trance/House/Club Thread! So... what are your favourite techno/dance/trance/house/rave songs overall? Many DJ's and songs aren't so well known and are really good. Post away the variety of songs you enjoy and have opinions on =]. I was looking for a thread like...
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    School certificate papers -- The header

    In every 2006 school certificate, there is no header e.g. for English 2003 there would be: 2003 SCT • ENGLISH–literacy • SECTION 1 READING/VIEWING • PART A But the past papers before 2006 have a header like that for each subject. Why doesn't the 2006 one have a header? And does SCT stand...
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    Science question help?

    Could anyone answer this question I found in one of the SC past papers? What name is given to the theory that seeks to explain why the continents are moving. I think it's the theory of continental drift but I'm confused with the plate tectonic theory. Can it be the plate tectonic theory...
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    Geography Help!!!

    Hey guys. Can anyone please give me notes for these geographical issues: Air Quality Coastal Management Land and water management Urban growth and decline Spatial inequality Waste managementI also want to know how to calculate in maps: Latitudes LongitudesAnd could anyone give me notes on...
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    English SC Extended Responses

    For the english extended response part in the School Certificate, could anyone post a full list of the extended response questions they may ask you in the exam? I've done a few past papers so far and this is all I can think of: Short Story Narrative Newspaper Article Letter to the editor...
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    Year 10 Commerce Notes

    Hey would anyone happen to have any year 10 commerce notes they used for their yearly exams? These are the topics that will be tested in the exam. Topics Tested: Section I Multiple Choice 30 Marks Questions on your knowledge of commerce with emphasis on what you have learn't this...
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    Science & Geography Notes Year 9

    Does anyone have any notes for science and geography years 9? I wasn't doing so well in both subject areas and I need them really badly. It would be greatly appreciated if you attached them in this topic or send it to me by msn or private message them. Anything will do!. Thanks. :)
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    Lord Of The Flies English Task

    Hey guys :). For English Year 10, we are currently studying The Lord of the Flies and comparing both movies, the American version with the English/British version. We have seen both movies and the teacher is making us watch the American version again to write notes on about each character. The...