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    Did I answer the question properly?

    • Discuss current research into the evolutionary relationships between extinct species, including megafauna and extant Australian species. In the marking criteria, it says: "Use two examples to describe thoroughly how extant Australian species are related to extinct species" My answer...
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    Should I drop Physics, Biology, or Economics?

    Okay, just for an insight, my current subjects are: Advanced English, 3U Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Economics. Well for starters, I'm definitely keeping Advanced English, since it's compulsory. I'm definitely not going to drop 3U Mathematics, because I know I'm capable...
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    Preliminary Bio Questions

    Identify data sources, gather and process secondary information for the following: · Identify and describe evidence that supports the assertion that Australia was once part of a landmass called Gondwana, including: Ø Matching continental margins Ø Position of mid ocean ridges Ø...
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    Assistance with Physics Research Task

    Hey. With the Physics research task I currently have to complete, I need assistance with the following question: Outline the main differences between the astronomical models of Ptolemy and the modern day. Assess the major developments in technology that have caused the greatest changes in our...
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    Assistance with Physics Research Task

    :burn: Hey. With the Physics research task I currently have to complete, I need assistance with the following question: Outline the main differences between the astronomical models of Ptolemy and the modern day. Assess the major developments in technology that have caused the greatest...
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    School captain or not?

    Well I'm undecided whether to try out for school captain or not. All my teachers, especially the head teacher of my grade which I'll be working close with if elected recommends it for me. But I'm still unsure about it. What are the pros of being a captain? Does it help significantly when...
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    Economics Q's on Emp. Associations and Rising Unemployment

    I need some assistance with the following questions :): Employers Associations 1. What are they? Employers are associations are groups of people that give advice to employers e.g. The ACCI (Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) What type of advice do they give? (Just to...
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    UNSW Maths Comp, Westpac etc.

    Is there any source/statistics showing each cutoff mark for scoring credits/distinctions/high distinctions/medals for each year? I know it depends on how well the state does but I'm just curious to see the cutoff for attaining a high distinction and seeing trends throughout the years. In...
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    Need assistance with maths q's!

    Exam tomorrow :( and this is meant to be revision. Stress stress stress... 3. For what values of p will the equation 2x^2-px+p-2=0 have: c) Unequal roots which are rational d) Unequal roots which are irrational 4. For the line 2x+3y-12=0, what is the angle the line makes with the...
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    Remember (1862) - Christina Rossetti

    For this poem, easy to understand, I just need a few language techniques and themes to put in my listening task. Could anyone please identify some they spot? I desperately need some! Well here's the poem. Thank you. Remember by Christina Rossetti Remember me when I am gone away, Gone...
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    Year 12 Cambridge 3U Textbook Problems

    Could anyone post their solutions to the following questions in their 3U textbook? Thanks. Chapter 4: Polynomial Functions Ex 4E Question 5c, 5d, 6a, 6b
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    Economics - Merit Goods and Public Goods

    What is the difference between Merit and Public Goods? Please give examples also. The simplest definition will do :). Thanks. Edit: Also, what's an externality? List examples as well :).
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    Need solutions for Cambridge 3U Year 11 Textbook

    Could anyone post their answers with their solutions for the following questions? I got my answers to a few of them, but I'm still not sure if I used the right method and the right way of answering the question. They should be quite simple, as neither of them are extension questions :). Thx...
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    Biology Practical Coming Up

    Well I have a Biology practical coming up and the teacher told us that the practical is in either 'A Local Ecosystem' module or 'Patterns in Nature' (up to section 3) module. Should I list all the practicals and write each one up as a report, or do you believe it's a waste of time? How would you...
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    Year 11 Economics Assessment Task

    Well I have an Economics Assessment Task coming up and I need all the help I can get with the following extended response question: Discuss the factors which cause changes in Supply and Demand. Explain the concept of price elasticity of demand and its relevance to producers and governments...
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    Year 11 Physics Practical: Motion and Forces

    Hey all :wave:. On Monday, we have to perform a physics practical on motion and forces. This was the clue the teacher gave us that the prac will be related on. Then we'll be testing the reliability and validity of the experiment. Would anyone happen to know which practical this is going to be...
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    La Belle Dame Sans Merci Analysis

    Would anyone happen to have an in depth analysis on 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci?'. For me, the poem is hard to understand, because it's open to many interpretations, between the romaticism of the man and the woman. Thanks.
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    Physics Practical Task

    Task: It will require you to complete a scientific investigatin either individually or in a small group. You will then individually write a report of your experiment and answer several questions about validity and reliability in experimentation. What are the best definitions of validity and...
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    Biology Exam Question - Patterns in Nature

    Well I have attached the diagram and I don't understand the question. Please explain your answer briefly. The next few questions are: b) Name a substance that you would expect to be present in region Q. Cellulose? Why? c) Name the process that occured. Osmosis. I thought Osmosis was...
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    Math Q's Coordinate Geometry Help!

    Hey guys :). These questions are on the topic of co-ordinate geometry. I tried posting this thread up before which took a lot of time, but then it said: 'Invalid Link: Please notify the administrator' :vcross:. Ok back on topic. Here are the q's (Or if you happen to have Year 11 Prelim...