Hey guys!
For Chem, we have an assessment to do two tests, one for the unknown anion and the other for the unknown cation. We're allowed to bring in the diagram and we have to write observations and application to solubility rules.
How exactly can you prepare for this? Btw, we havent done...
Hey guys!
This holidays I was wondering whether I should be practicing past papers for Chem and Bio from, half yearlies(even though I already finished my it) or I should start doing past HSC questions?
School rank is mid 300s but last year was mid 200s
EE1: Hoping for first out of 6 students
Maths: 9/19
Advanced English 2-3/24
Biology: 5/35
Geography: 1/10 about 90+%
1 Unit RE: 16/82
Chemistry: 5/15
If you got an 18/20 and 2nd place? The task was the 1st and weighed 20%.. I still have 3 other tasks before the HSC exams and am going to make sure I ace them. Is it possible or do state rankers get full marks in every task?
Thanks :)
Hey, so..
1. Do you get marked for all the readings you've read, your journal and the presentation folder that contains all this?
2. What do you put in your journal?
Thats all! :)
So in the HSC, I've heard that it's all about rankings. So, if you do Extension English 2 yet you are the only one in the class, what does that mean in terms of counting your 10 best units and rankings that contribute to your ATAR?
So I've heard heaps about writing paragraphs of analysis and then adapting it to an essay question. However, I am confused unto how exactly am I meant to base these paragraphs on? Any ideas? Btw, I'm doing The Tempest as the Set text.
Hello, I have my Viva Voce after these holidays in week 3 and I'm stressing out as I have done nearly nothing for it except plan the structure of the major work. I am doing Video for the MW. My question is, what exactly can you do to get that 10/10. Extra research? I am really confused on how to...
So, I'm doing a video but I'm wondering, are we allowed to put people younger/older than us if it's essential to our plot/video? The syllabus states that better major works had age-appropriate actors. I'm stuck :(
So it's the holidays, yet I'm confused on what exactly to do. I know that I have to read my prescribed texts and find related texts from past Bos questions, but outside of that, how can I prepare for half yearlys from now? Is it possible and how?
Thanks :)
Hey guys! I was browsing everywhere on Bos, the internet but don't know which BoL notes are the best band 6 quality notes(other than Ahmad Shad Ilil's notes and Pete's) to get extra information from that I've missed and to make a base for note writing. Any ideas would be great on where to get...
Hey guys!
So many of you people on BOS have or are currently completing the HSC, and I was wondering what are the best notes for these subjects for a Band 6?
-1 unit religion
It would be greatly appreciated for any links or ideas!
Thanks ! :)
Some people say to memorise analysis, but where do you start? Some say memorise essays and others say memorise only quotes. I want to start now for half yearlys for AOS but I have no idea where to start. Any ideas??
My school ranking is 250s
-Advanced English
-Extension 1 and 2 English
-2 unit Mathematics
-1 unit Religion
What ranks, marks would I need to achieve this? :)
Thanks :)