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  1. M

    How to study for a listening task AOS Discovery?

    In title ^^ How would you prepare?
  2. M

    How are you studying AOS atm?

    How do you plan your notes for the novel/play? What are your methods? Striving for a Band 6 in English :) Any help is really appreciated :) :)
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    How much in depth do you need to know a syllabus dotpoint in?

    Sorry for bombarding questions on the chem forum, but I hope this question will also benefit others :) Like title states, how much do we need to know for a band 6? Outside the syllabus? I honestly don't know
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    I am awful at Prelim Trig. What do I do?

    Like the title states, I am hopeless in Trigonometry. I get 70s-80s% in my exams and when I lose marks it's in the TRIG section. I'm so hopeless at it. I try a lot, but identities and bearings are my weaknesses. What can I do? Are there any experiences where you overcame being a total loser in a...
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    How to remember everything in HSC chemistry?

    Hello, Like the title states, I suck in memorising things in time even at the second focus at Production of Materials. All students in my class know their stuff really well, and I'm trying to remember everything. It's getting really frustrating on what to know and what not to know. My notes...
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    Audio technqiues

    hello :) I was just wondering, what are some audio techniques when analysing a clip? I have a listening exam next term and really couldn't find any. Thanks :)
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    So overhwhelmed by what to do for English

    Hey guys, So, I'm undertaking 4 units of English for the HSC. I just started the HSC course and Im so stressed out. I dont know where to start or what to do. The teacher just started the Discovery stuff.. and Romanticism for Extension 1 and I'm, freaking out. I dont know what to do, where to...
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    How to deconstruct the rubric?

    As title states, how did you deconstruct it? And how did you use advantage over it? Thanks !! :)
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    Best notes for Ecosystems at Risk

    Hey guys, So what's the best notes for Geography? Band 6 material? Thanks guys!
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    How do you write chemistry notes?

    Hello, I'm just confused to how I should do that. I made a thread though I'm wondering in this, how you write them. Just for a starter. Thanks guys!
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    Am so confused onto how to set up my notes

    So, I just started the HSC course, and I have NO idea how to combine school notes and syllabus dotpoints so that I do it over time.. Btw, I am writing my notes by hand. Any help on how you did? Or advice? Thanks:)
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    What do people mean when they say 'Prepare a generic essay?'

    For example, you get the text, Frankenstein and Blade Runner, what would a 'generic' essay be? And how do you know if it's generic enough?
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    Do you know anyone who got a 50/50 by doing film?

    Hello! :) I hear of people getting that mark with poetry and short stories, but not with films? Any comments? Thanks ^.^
  14. M

    ATAR estimate for a friend

    Hello! :) School rank: mid 200s Subjects and ranks ~Studies of Religion I: 60/82 (very competitive cohort) ~Standard English: 59/91 ~Biology 26/35 ~Business Studies: 29/58 ~ General Mathematics II: 37/54 ~PDHPE: 16/22 Is an ATAR of 75 still possible??
  15. M

    How are you going to prepare for English throughout the holidays?

    So, before the HSC year, there are two week holidays. How are you going to prepare for HSC English in the holidays? Write notes? If if so, like techniques and stuff from the text? Any comments would be great :)
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    How to remember everything in Maths and score full marks?

    IN year 11 and find it hard to remember everything in Maths. How do you cope with remembering all this? Thanks :)
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    Still can't write an essay?

    Im moving to year 12, and I've realised, I still can't write an essay I'm in Advanced, even Extension yet I cant write a A range essay. I get top marks in reports, speeches but get B's and C's for essays. I always prepare quotes a day before, memorise them and then write it in the exam as a...
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    Allowed to Transfer from HSC to VCE in Year 12?

    Are you allowed to move mid year in Year 12 from NSW to Victoria to complete your HSC in Victoria?
  19. M

    How different is Preliminary Chemistry to HSC?

    Harder or easier? More mathematical? Any comments will be helpful :)