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  1. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Australia, England bid for soccer WorldCup Host

    Australia, England bid for soccer WCup :)Let us host it!!
  2. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Lonely for valentines?

    You have no date. Yo want someone to give your bitch ass flowers and candy...right. Well? Post up your situation/s. :mad1: My girl ran away from me.
  3. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Help With Hotmail & Password

    I forgot my password to my hotmail account and usually i dont use it unless its for work but i have my resume documents etc stored and i forgot my password to the account and my secret question i heard there's something or a software that finds it for you, because your computer stores your...
  4. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Best Laptops I should get?

    I need a laptop!!! what kind i need gotta be under $1000 any brand names alot of RAM & MB's longest usage without recharging. :)
  5. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Is this true? This link has been circulated for a while now, never seen it discussed here yet, i think. So my question is, with the Prophet Mohammed, did he really had and married a 9 year old wife?(He was in his 50's at that time) I'm no religious person but I would...
  6. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Traveling Overseas long flights

    I'm going europe soon and wanted to know, if we allowed to take laptops onto planes and watch DVD movies because i know i'll be on a flight 10 hrs + and wanted suggestions best thing to do when on a long flight, i tend to NOT sleep when i'm on planes so yeah lol, thanks for inputs..
  7. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Can't watch stream video's I can hear it.... but can't see/watch it when I'm watching it or wanting to, what do i need to watch streams, my computer doesn't have it. I downloaded codec light but it's...
  8. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Wentworth Miller to spend Christmas holidays in Australia

    all the Prison Break and Wentworth groupies gonna love this, especially the ladies:rofl:,23663,20961380-10388,00.html ONE OF Hollywood's hot young actors is escaping to Australia so he can throw a couple of shrimp on the barbie for Christmas...
  9. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Woman averages 250 orgasms a day !!!!!

    I HAVE 250 ORGASMS A DAY (and it's a scream) By Matthew Acton & Rachel Spencer SEXY Ellie Allen is a girl who just can't say no— because she's too busy saying Yes...Yes...YES! The pretty brunette suffers from a rare but genuine medical...
  10. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Taking your digital camera films....

    for my digital camera, i've got Kodak Easyshare to open my photos when i transfer them onto my computer. Recently i've recorded some film on my camera and wanted to burn it onto a dvd but i dont know what program to use it to burn the format i use to record from my camera, i think my camera...
  11. CSI: CRIMES ™

    2nd Labor figure charged over child sex,23599,20761242-1702,00.html
  12. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Sophie faces another setback

    AFTER surviving two terrible accidents that touched the hearts of strangers nationwide, five-year-old Sophie Delezio has now been diagnosed with a life-threatening brain condition. Sophie's father, Ron Delezio, has revealed that doctors suspect she has bleeding on the brain. Sophie...
  13. CSI: CRIMES ™

    hip hop clothing stores in sydney

    i need a list, i gotta buy a present for my cousin, yeah im looking for fitted caps, that either have "A" or NY or 'B' on it, apprciate the reply. I need them certain caps
  14. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Australian Top Model [2007]

    National casting tour locations: -------------------------------- · Surfers Paradise – Thursday, November 9, Westfield Helensvale · Perth – Saturday, November 11, Westfield Carousel · Melbourne – Monday, November 13, Westfield Doncaster · Adelaide – Tuesday, November 14, Westfield Marion ·...
  15. CSI: CRIMES ™

    McAfee Help

    I downloaded the security suite 07 from McAfee and when it says to verify it, i click the link and it goes to a blank page, and therefore i can not use the program, the security centre for it have major problems it cant find the coponents and the anti virus wont work, and everytime i want to...
  16. CSI: CRIMES ™

    How to Argue With Females

    i got a email from a friend with this in it, i find it hilarious, anyways what you all think about it? Step 1. Abandon all logic. Girls don't use it, and you certainly shouldn't allow it to handicap you. Step 2. If you believe strongly in something, do NOT give in to any aspect of it...
  17. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Council orders $1100 fine for spitting

    SPITTING in the street has been banned by a city council, with offenders facing on-the-spot fines of up to $1100 in a bid to rid a suburb of the "filthy habit". Believed to be the first ruling of its kind in the state, the Sydney suburb of Fairfield has become a spit-free zone, with...
  18. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Street gangs in NSW

    What do people think of this? Personally i agree on this, too many wannabe gangs are actually calling themselves bloods or crips in our country, i mean damn it's in USA, dont copy them, tryhards :rofl: With the introduction of tough new laws to combat gangs in NSW comes news from New...
  19. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Bruce Dawe HELP!

    what do i need to say for this? any help? You have recieved a letter from a friend who has also studied your prescribed poets work where they criticise the poetry as irrelevant and dull. do you agree, write a letter back to them where you discuss the poetry as you see it in your letter you...
  20. CSI: CRIMES ™

    ashes to go under microscope

    this is an old article but i wonder if they found out the answer yet or not, what yall opinions on this issue? GARCHES, France - A team of scientists hopes to crack one of the many layers of mystery surrounding 15th-century French heroine Joan of Arc: Are the rib and other fragments...