Search results

  1. CSI: CRIMES ™

    How and where did you meet your GF/BF??!!??

    excluding me because im lifeless and bored atm, i wanna ask those, where/how did you meet your current bf/gf or the last bf/gf you was with?? was it through a friend? internet, school, bumping eachother alot in public, neighbourhood etc?? well my last partner, my ex, it was at school, you know...
  2. CSI: CRIMES ™

    what programs should i unistall/delete

    ok, im getting adobe soon, and i want to get rid of some programs off my comp cuz its eating up the memory, and i want my comp to have memory/disk space alot instead of slowing down with lil memory etc. i want ppl in here to suggest what programs i should get rid of that is not worthy or nothing...
  3. CSI: CRIMES ™

    adobe photoshop CS2 9.0

    i have adobe 7.0 very old and i wanted to know how much would it cost in department stores, retail etc im interesting in buying it, anyone can tell me the best way to get it cheaper
  4. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    Yes I know all muslims aren't rapist. No, I'm not inferring Islam equals raping females. Yes, this is from a right-wing web page. No, it doesn't dissmiss the stats or provable stats all I had to say is this is damn wrong...............
  5. CSI: CRIMES ™

    REPRESENT Your High School Before 05 Ends

    title says it all....... westfields :rolleyes: UAI 69 :chainsaw:
  6. CSI: CRIMES ™

    would uni's accept lower uai results???

    im just curious... just say if i get 70 for my uai, but my course i want prefers around 75-80 or under would they accept? or reject you?
  7. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Who's Staying Up Until 6am?????

    hell i am, what about u
  8. CSI: CRIMES ™

    Fellas lets ask the questions to the ladies we always wanted...

    I mean this may have been done before, but lets try it out. There are questions that I have wondered but were a little apprehensive about here goes... and guys lets keep it civilized. No just flat out ignorant ish... Does the attention of men make you dress a certain way...
  9. CSI: CRIMES ™


    I heard a girl say the other night "I love a good circumsized penis" the word circumsized stuck out to me because i am not. So ladies, does it matter if a guy is circumsized or not?
  10. CSI: CRIMES ™

    What does "You're a Nice Guy" Actually Mean?

    The "N" word. not that end word. Women why do you say it. Fellas why do you hate it